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Monika felt her blood turn stone cold as she saw the younger her walk closer smiling creepily.
What the hell??
She asked herself as she heard a loud thud echo throughout the hallway.

She looked down seeing Sayori's body gasping she wanted to live so desperately it reflected in her eyes.
Blood ran down her back forming a crimson puddle underneath her.
Monika felt fluids run up her throat Monika slapped a hand on her mouth she didn't want to do this right now.
Her body thought otherwise as she puked the remains of food from her stomach.
She inhaled a reeking smell as she looked down at her hands.
She felt herself trembling she was scared. She was scared to lose Sayori again she was so close to happy ending and this happens?
Monika grunted as she tightened her hands forming them into fists she was beyond pissed.

Monika looked at a sadist version of herself grinning towards her holding a glass shard.
Most likely from the window she broke but that wasn't important.
"..why?"she broke the silence from Sayori's grunts of pain.
The girl titled her head to the side as she put a finger up signaling to wait Monika was becoming impatient soon the girl soon spoke up
"If I can't have her then she had to die you understand right?"The other version of herself gave a content smile.
"No I don't you sick freak"Monika spoke as she glared at her other self.
Monika just shrugged in response of the girl glaring "Too bad."She smirked.
Monika raised her eyebrow as she pulled her arms in front her and positioned herself to fight the other girl.
The lonely girl just flashed a bitterswet smile as her eyes softened soon she held the glass shard in her hand toward herself
"No need" she laughed coldly.
Monika looked at her eyes seeing a distant fear yet there was warmth.
It made no sense because what was about to happen.


The words seemed to bring a peace no a ending to the maddness sadly that was her last words as she pierced the broken glass in her throat she gagged as her eyes started to fade her light her smile never left as the blood flew down her throat.
She dropped down to the floor as the crimson blood painted the floor and soon connected with Sayori's.
The girl used every last ounce of strength she had to grab Sayori's hand.

Then she inhaled her last final breath as her eyes turned into a dark green.
That Monika had just lost her life due to suicide.

Monika was in such a shock she couldn't believe it.
She collapsed to her knees her arms weighed down her her side as tears flowed once again.
She didn't know why she was so devastated that girl had just stabbed the love of her life..maybe it was because she had such a terrible life as she assumed and had no reason to live if she tried to kill her reason..?
Monika had no idea anymore.

Monika's eyes titled to Sayori's body she felt a pierce in her heart as it flee down to her stomach giving her a terrible gut feeling.
She had a urge to throw up again but held it in.
Monika grabbed Sayori and pushed her head to Sayori's chest trying to hear for a heartbeat or feeling the raising of her chest to show she was alive.


She heard nothing she knew her tears were overflowing as she had overwhelmed feelings enter her.
She didn't want this for herself and her Sayori.


Monika picked her head from Sayori's chest and looked around seeing the place seem to fall apart.
The world was crumbling for Monika.
She picked Sayori up she knew she couldn't carry both bodied and that broke her heart.
That Monika didn't deserve this she was manipulated for sure..right?

Monika turned around and ran off sparing one final glance behind her as the ceiling above the body fell crushing it.
A tear dropped to the floor as if soon got crushed underneath rocks.

Monika ran and ran as she felf herself start to glitch out she was terrified of what was happening.
She felt her emotions twist and knot themselves until they felt as if they were going to explode any second.
The world turned pitch black for a split second until it got engulfed in burning whiteness Monika shielded her eyes with a hand as she continued to run into the whiteness.

Monika felt herself gain consciousness for a spilt second as a fuzziness covered her sight she was not able to make anything out except she did notice some things despite her sight.
There was two figures looking down at her, the burning sun above them outlined with the sky, and the burning sensation in her body.
What stuck out the most was the figures she felt a comforting aura around them she couldn't make out any details because of her poor vision.
A sharp pain came it felt as if a fire was in her body along with mutiple other sensations she couldn't quite make them out in her hazy state of mind.

She felt herself go back into a blackness she was too familiar with as a soft shy voice called out to her along with the panicked responses of another she decided to focus on the confused one..


I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now