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MC..? Monika asked herself that jerk is back..? Monika loved him of course but he did always be such a god damn jerk to Sayori which didn't matter to her at the time but now it did.
A lot.
She felt if he kept it up she would put a bag over his head amd make him lose oxygen.
"Meet you..?"Sayori asked with a slight smile "No no!"Sayori paused softly "I didn't mean to offend you of course I'll meet you~"Sayori said in a sweet tone...and Monika didn't like it one bit who knows MC will do to Sayori..? After all the game seems broken and..this could be a player...or anything....It could hurt my Sayori!!! I need to protect her with everything I'll follow her to make sure she's safe Monika smirked at herself rather proud with her idea "Well I have to go"Sayori said blushing "Sorry~"Monika smirked turned into a soft smile "It's alright Sayori I'll see you tomorrow at school okay?"Sayori nodded "I can't wait to see you byeee~"Sayori ran up the stairs grabbing her stuff before flashing a another smile at Monika before walking out of the house Monika ran up stairs quickly changing she ran down before ripping the door open seeing Sayori who was turning a corner Monika stalked Sayori...uhhh no she watched her at a safe distance.
Soon Sayori reached the where MC was suppose to meet Sayori Sayori waved happily MC just smirked Monika had a bad feeling she hid in a bush she felt extremely creepy MC went closer to Sayori making uncomfortable "M-MC..?"Sayori asked "Y' never called you should be sorry for that Sayori I was waiting for a call but did you ever call?! Noooooo! You were too busy to call your boyfriend?! NOOOoOOO you were too busy cheating on me hmmm? Probably you're such slut!"MC yelled Monika gasped THEY'RE DATING??? I UGHHH! Monika yelled mentally Sayori was flustered tears in her eyes "W-what's wrong MC..? You aren't yourself"Sayori paused slightly "And we aren't dating...I..d-don't like you that way sorry.."Sayori felt confused but it was overcome with pain I knew he hates me...but why does this hurt so much?! "OF. FUCKING. COURSE! You were leading me on playing with my feelings!"MC glared at Sayori "YOU'RE SO TERRIBLE YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?!"MC yelled "YOU...YOU'RE SO DAMN WORTHLESS SAYORI I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT NO ONE LIKES YOU YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!"MC yelled once again Sayori tried her best to hold the tears back this has to be a dream...SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!!! MONIKA!!!! PLEASE ANYONE!! MC growled in annoyance "You don't even care do you?!"he asked glaring down at Sayori who just whimpered "Pathetic"he rolled his eyes before his rage went blastic "YOU'RE MAKING ME SO GOD DAMN MAD FUCKING BITCH! EVERYONE HATES YOU! NO WONDER WHY YOU HAVE SUCH TERRIBLE DEPRESSION! EVER SINCE YOUR PARENTS FIGURED OUT YOU WERE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT THEY LEFT YOU AND EVERYONR WILL!"MC flared the back of his hand at Sayori's cheek everything frlt like it broke tears flooded her eyes going down her cheeks Sayori didn't focus on the words MC she only focused on one thing...the terrible pain....of realizing it.....

It wasn't a dream..

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