The Void

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Sayori looked all over her the sound of a waves crashing down on her as if she was swimming through her emotions of sarrow she held her breath terrified to be back in such an...awful place This isn't fair. She told herself as she started to walk the footsteps echoing in the void she sighed softly she felt a strong feeling that..eyes were following her eyery move she started to shake as paranoia was all she was thinking about No one's watching right?'s a lie someone is..WHY..why..can't I move my head I need to turn around! She froze tears dripping down her cheeks nonstop
Do you ever feel like someone's or something's watching you Sayori?
A voice asked that sounded familiar she must've said that a million times..before but it sounded mature...wise even but it also sounded hallow it started to ring in her ears it brought her chills Sometimes..I think that people are watching my every move and I end up embarrassing myself..or messing up...stupid right..? I know you would never feel this way Sayori you're so'd probably push all the thoughts away and be normal again haha..I want to be just like you.
I hope that doesn't sound weird..Ah..sorry for rambling..I..W-we should just keep on reading okay..?

Sayori gripped her shirt or..what was left of it it was probably a glitched mess...she laughed quietly alright.. she paused I..haha you wouldn't believe it now but I'm feeling the exact way right now..I'm just so scared I guess I'm making stuff up? Voices..?..I don't know surprising right?...I never know anything...not...even who you are or were...I...think were friends right? Sayori felt as if she was talking to the voice this way for.. courage to move foward to look back be proud...just everything...every emotion...

She wanted to feel.. I...want to feel it....I want to.. she gripped her arm tightly This..can't be the end...I...can't let it end like this...I want to true emotions.... Sayori lowered her head with her... the image of Monika flashed thoughtout her mind she felt tears fill her eyes this can't be the end of my life..everything...I have to stay strong for her! Sayori rasied her head high tears still falling she took a step foward.. I HAVE TO! I'LL GET TO FEEL WITH HER THE VOICES WILL GO AWAY! Sayori started to run into the void she was grinning with her...I'll help you Monika! I'll find you! And then we can be happy....


It sounded like Monika's she nodded TOGETHER! she felt a pain fit her as she fell on her butt she rubbed her head "Ow.."she groaned looking up at what she hit...she was frightened "I...I.."her throat closed on her her voice failing to get through she didn't believe what was in front of turned around "The...hell..?" She got a good look at it's face it was a glitched out version of a boy's face one that was too familiar it was MC..he had the same outfit before Monika deleted him he just seemed glicthed out so badly worse than her he voice seemed to raise and lower at random times.

"...Sayori? How the hell...wait...nevermind I know how you got here." He sighed putting his hand out rolling his nonexist eyes "Grab my hand and get up the floor is probably messy or some shit..."Sayori nodded trying to get om her feet but almost falling again but MC pulled her up laughing coldly "Clumsy as ever...anyway lets get going."He started to walk with his hands on his pockets Sayori hesitated "W-wait!"Sayori ran up to him walking beside him "What is it?" He asked "I..w-well.." "Spit it out or I'll make you..with your teeth included" Sayori nodded gulping nervously "W-well..I..mean..why are you..not..being so mean..?" MC rasied his eyebrow "You call this being nice what the fuck is wrong with yo-" he was cut off by Sayori "N-no..I just mean why aren't you hurting me..? Like in the fight..or..beating me up it's my fault for getting you deleted..."Sayori looked down gribbing her hand "You want me to hurt you?" "N-no..just that.."Sayoei lost her words "Ugh..shut up you're annoying like damn..and don't start crying or I'll leave you all alone to deal with all your friends...or what you like to call them..voices~"MC grabbed Sayori's shirt lifting her up glaring at her.

"Also..I want to kill Monika..but I guess I can give you something..a punishment or some kind.." he laughed "You get me..?"he asked with a hand started to choke Sayori roughly "ISN'T THAT GREAT, SAYORI?! HAHAHA IT'LL BE LIKE HANGING ALL OVER AGAIN! I WANT MONIKA TO BE BROKEN WHEN SHE FIGURES OUT YOU'LL NEVER COME BACK TO HER AND..WHEN SHE KNOWS I HURT YOU SHE'LL TRY TO HURT ME! SHE'LL TRY BUT SHE WON'T HURT ME" he titled his head to one side "NOT WITH HIM BY MY SIDE AHAHAHAHAHHAH!" MC's laughter echoed in Sayori's brain as her arms started to fumble everywhere trying to do something anything to help her survive to kill her I stop being weak O HAVE TO HELP MONIKA I HAVE TO! she cried to herself as she felt hope starting to fade away as well with everything else.....everything..and nothing "FUNNY ISN'T IT? SAYORI?! I'LL KILL HER ALONG WITH YOU! YOU'LL BOTH DIE AHAHAHHAHA!"

"N-no..."Sayori whimpered "SPEAK UP BITCH!" "I SAID NO YOU..YOU..FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH!" Sayori dipped her nails in MC's eye making him drop her he rubbed his eye in pain his eye started to bleed causing he yelled "THE FUCK...I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU ANIMAL!!" Sayori flinched she got up and started to run as if her life depends on it does... "GET BACK HERE BITCH!" Oh..fuck...I messed up...

For what seemed like hours Sayori felt her legs started to give in she groaned in pain as MC was dashing over to her need to keep going for...Monika she panted roughly sweat dripping from her head I need to... her legs gave in she fell towards the floor barely able to move she groaned as MC stared down at her "I thought you wouldn't have put up a fight surprised me.." he paused "which is terrible for you I'll make your death even more painful!!" MC laughed loudly Sayori closed her eyes just wanting to wake up from this terrible if she could it was all real..and she was about to die...again...but...when you die in the'
can't...not...yet... Sayori started to cry in pain as she felt MC starting to kick her help...HELP...HELP ME!!

"SAYORI IT'S OKAY! STAY STRONG FOR ME OKAY?! YOU CAN DO IT! P-please I..need you...with me...okay..?" Okay!

Sayori slammed MC making him fall over she kicked his..well...the place where the sun doesn't shine.. MC groaned in pain as he hold know what it is.

Sayori saw a glitched form of Monika smiling at her she knew it wasn't real but her mind telling her she was close to her love......

"I'm coming, Monika"

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now