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Monika broke through the window she felt glass shards stab at her body.
She winced in pain and stood up she looked towards her other self seeing that she was shocked.
"How..?"She started but was cut off by Sayori.
"How is that?"Sayori asked trying to keep calm but some of her worry slipped into her voice.
Monika gave a smile to her other self.
The other Monika cringed slightly at the overly sweet smile.

"Monika..?" Sayori asked once again as tears rolled down her cheeks "I'm scared.."she whimpered "It's.."Monika paused "It's okay Sayori I'll get you away from her"Monika declared the smile replaced with a glare.
"Get fucking ready to die bitch."Monika threatened then she ran towards the bitch and grabbed her by her ponytail and yanked it hard "GAH!"The Monika shouted in pain and she stabbed her foot down on Monika's feet.
"UGH!"Monika groaned as a glass shard was pushed deeper inside her body.
Monika kneed the other girl and threw her to the floor Monika gribbed the chains wrapped around arms and threw them against the girl who was at the floor panting.
She threw the chains around Monika's neck a pulled instead of gagging or hell Monika trying to rio them off the girl instead head butted Monika.
"ARGH!"Monika clunched her head before the look towards the girl who was now standing "I won't die that easily dumbass."The girl smirked titling her head she sighed before a predator type smile stretched across her lips.

"Get ready to die~"she sang she launched towards Monika.

Sayori was confused she heard two Monika's but it was impossible the other Monika died right..?
Sayori was trying to solve everything as she heard the dangle of chains and grunts fill her mind causing a head pricing headache to hit her mind.
"MONIKAAA!!!"She yelled soon she felt herself tip over.

The chain had been kicked down she then heard a response "IT'S OKAY SAYORI I'LL KILL THAT BITCH!!"Monika yelled.
Sayori groaned as the rope around her wrists loosened she slipped one hand out of it as blood rushed to her head causing her headache to become even worse.
She untied the rope and stood up from her chair she took off her blindfold excepting no difference..she was surprised when color entered her eyes she squinted them as two figures came into view she put a hand above her eyes her pupils adjusted as she saw...two Monikas..?
"Monika?"she asked seeing her love pinning the other younger Monika down with chains across her neck holding her down.
"S-sayori..?"Monika asked Sayori felt sweat drip down her face "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"Sayori asked why was Monika trying to kill the other Monika?

What the hell is happening?
Sayori didn't know she ran towards her Monika and threw her off the younger girl.
"Monika explain yourself!!"Sayori yelled forgetting everything about before all the love making a Monika.
Which Monika? She didn't know.
A Monika was making love to her she didn't ask the questions needed and instead her anger boiled in her body.

"Explain!"she yelled once again after she heard no answer "She..l-lied to you!"Sayori's love raised her voice Sayori titled her head "Lied..?"Sayori asked which Monika responded to "I didn't lie! I didn't do nothing! All I did was defend myself against you! Monima I thought we could've been sisters! Anything but you messed it up.."The first year sniffled a sob
"I h-hate you.."Monika felt gulit run up her spine as Sayori glared at her.

"S-sayori please..just listen to me.."Monika put her hand to her heart she never saw Sayori so angry before she was genuinely scared the last thing she wanted was to get Sayori mad at her "She was trying to make love to you Sayori and she helped that whatever he is shadow figure out!" Monika explained Sayori's face ran shock through it.

"Moni..?"she asked the girl who seemed to be tearing up "I-I...he was controlling me! I swear! Please..I-I don't want to..die.." Monika whimpered Sayori placed a hand to the girl's shoulder and gave her a hug "I don't forgive you for trying to make love to me but it's okay we're here for you..." Sayori gave the younger Monika a bright smile that lit up the room of their worries for a sloght second.

Monika stepped beside her other self and raised a eyebrow "How...? I killed him before I had that fight with you"
Monika's face grew pale as she seemed to think of a reasonable answer she sighed heavily "He and I really had a heated battle in my brain I swear!"The first year smiled hugely hoping that they'd believe it "Okay..if you say so" Sayori smiled immediately assuming it was true.
Sayori was too nice for her own good.
A mistake she soon would regret.

"What are we going to do now?"Monika asked before looking at her love. "I don't know maybe find a way of out this place..?"Sayori suggested the two Monikas nodded in agreement.
Sayori laughed a little at that action before she turned her back to face the broken window "Welll let's go then!"

Monika decided to keep an eye on her younger self she placed herself to be the one in the back just in case anything was to happen.
Monika seemed to drown in her thoughts as well.
How is this even possible? I wonder how I'm going to have to crack the code in order to let two Monikas in our world..Natsuki and Yuri I wonder how they're doing.
Have they noticed us being gone or did everything just stop?
Monika sighed deeply as she continued to drift to side to side in her ocean of questions.

"GAH!"A pained scream echoed as Monika got pulled out of her world she lifted her head and froze.
Monika was standing there but what made her so scared was Sayori.
Sayori's face conveyed a pained but betrayed expression. Her eyes seemed to flicker with life every passing second.

Drip drip drip.

The bleeding wound was dripping crimson blood. Monika felt tears fall as she realized what had happened.
She couldn't believe it she didn't want to.
She didn't want to believe the terrible nightmare the one thing she feared the most of happening.
Monika's brain soon decided to function as she knew what happened to her precious Sayori.

Sayori had just gotten stabbed.

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now