It's Not What It Seems

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(Gore warning~)

Monika stared at the player in shockingly.
"Wha..what..?"Monika stuttered the guy blushed slightly "Monika it's me the player I went into your game just to get with you.."He says putting his hand over his heart.

Monika honestly was flattered a bit...but he fucking made her life a living hell sooo she was pissed.
"I don't accept your confession..even if that was it"Monika said glaring at him.
He frowned slightly before rubbing his head from a everlasting headache "Monika you loved me for so long and you're just going to throw that AWAY?!"He raised his voice Monika cringed slightly at the raise of his voume.
"...You...Just like you said I loved you"Monika paused sighing her eyes downcast "I don't love you anymore I love my Sayori and I dom't care what you say I still love everything about her"Monika announced.

A feeling of dread filled the air Monika looked at the player he groaned before sitting at the floor beside Monika.
He ruffled his own hair with a awkward smile he titled his eyes up to Monika.
Monika blushed at this gesture.
It..was cute.
Monika shook her head sighing "If you're trying to be all quirky stop it"Monika glared.
The player sighed laughing softly his eyes shifted.
"Monika..I really love you!"He confessed again.

"I don't care."Monika swiftly answered rejecting him again.
The player was shocked that Monika had responded so quickly.
He coughed and composed himself once again "..I don't understand it..I did all this for you..You killed your friends for me! Do you know what type we have since that..?"He asked Monika felt her soul rip apart a bit she hated thinking about before she had all these..feelings toward Sayori.
When she was coldhearted anf only cared about her and someone she didn't even know.
She pushed the thought away.
She didn't want to be a mess when she saved Sayori..
"A unhealthy one"Monika answered her voice was full of honesty.
"Ugh..Monika you're so stubborn..just because it might not be a healthy one..doesn't mean anything"He paused giving Monika a moment to think that he was a madman.
"We love eachother! That's all that matters"he smiled Monika nodded.
I know what to

Monika sighed to herself cutting her thoughts before she went into them too deeply.
"Yeah you're...right actually I've always loved you player!"Monika giggled blushing deeply.

The player blushed before rubbing his neck with a hand Monika smiled brightly pretending it was cute.
"Ah..what made you change your mind..?"He asked Monika rolled her eyes "It's obvious!"Monika's smile grew wider "After I had deleted everyone I spent so long thinking about you...Sayori made me forget those memories but while I was searching for answer for you thinking if I loved you I came with that you meant the world to me.." Monika smirked as if she won a prize.
The player smile grew wider he gave Monika a big hug "THANK GOD!"he paused "I thought..I would have to hurt..Sayori until you remembered that you loved me!"He laughed Monika smile turned into a small frown before she sighed "That'd be crazy..I'm glad you didn't love!"She said in a sappy tone.

The player smirked as he pulled away from the hug "Nowww I feel like we need some alone time~ away from this window.."He paused putting a finger to his lips his smirk became devilish "Maybe in the bedroom~?"He suggested winking after licking his finger.
Monika rolled her eyes playfully "Of course!"Monika answered "I need to get out of the chains first.."she sighed looking down at them.
The player nodded "Right let me get the key he took a old looking key from his jean's pocket and went to Monika.
"You sure you ain't gonna escape..?"He asked the same old stupid smirk on his face.
Monika laughed "No idiot~"She winked "All I want to do is kiss you~"She flirted the player blushed before nodding "Alright just making sure Sweetheart~"His voice sounded like a sweet tone..except there was a bit of..toxicity in them as well.

Monika knew that this..might be wrong but it was the first thing that came to mind.
After all she did so much just to end up with the player..
As he would say too bad it would end so soon.

That gave Monika a small smirk.
She heard the chains become unlocked she stood up rubbing her wrists as they stung from the chains being wayy too tight on her.
The player smiled at Monika before cupping her cheek he pulled in for a soft peck on the lips.

Monika yelled in her mind as she was inches away from the man's lips..
Monika eyes shut for a second before they went wide she smirked TIME TO BE A FUCKING HERO!!
She felt her heart lit up as if her love became a fire to power what she was about to do next.

Monika threw the player away from her "WHAT THE HELL?!"he yelled he was surprised "DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D GIVE SAYORI UP?!"she asked laughing a bit before she started to stomp down on the player repeatedly.
The player started to cough loudly as he felt his gut twist and turn with every kick or stomp.
He tried to get up but was thrown a chain at his face.
He screamed bloody murder as it hit his eyes Monika went to his face and stampeded her feet on his face.
The player felt Monika's toes get pushed against his eyes he heard a thud as he tried to see what was happening he saw a hand close to him.
Monika put a finger in his eyes and started to trust them deeply inside the eyestock they soon started to bleed a crimson red.

Monika smirked "This is what you deserve after all the pain you caused Sayori and me you bastard!!!"Monika delecared as she grabbed the chain beside the man and threw it around his neck she started to pull it tightly.
She heard gagging as she pulled the player tried to rip the chains off but was not able.
His instincts came in and he went to Monika's arms and started to scratch them and dig his finger nails in her arms.
Monika cringed but didn't stop as all the while he was crying pleading to make her stop.
Monika didn't care..
Why should she?

The screams and peeling of her skin soon stopped.
She looked at the player seeing he fell limp..he was dead.

Monika stood up she looked at her hands they were bloody.
She then looked back at the window seeing something that pissed her off even more.
The other Monika was about to eat her Sayori out.

Monika sighed rubbing her head slightly she grabbed the chains and readied herself in a running position she then ran and threw herself to the window..


I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now