A special date

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A/N:(written 2 days ago? 3 maybe?) Before we start I was getting...a little unmotivated to continue this story thinking you'll all won't like it (because it ain't that SUPER MMM JUICYY until like a few chapters then it'll be mm juicy again and most of you will get bored but from reading all of you're comments from the last chaper really turned my mood around which wad terrible I was not feeling great at all and not in the mood to write but now I feel like writing for you all! Thank you I love you all soo much okay now let's continue with this chapter~

Monika stared at the sunset even if it wasn't real..it still looked so beautiful..almost as beautiful as Sayori she smirked before looking at her fRieNd with romatic eyes she had..never thought that Sayori would be the one that kept away from the darkness it was surprising but here they are walking in the park holding hands looking for the perfect spot to chat Monika had already known that Sayori was terrible at small talk which was another thing she loved she would get really embarrassed she knew when she talked with her the first day she joined which was great Monika wasn't super good but she could hold up a conversation something Sayori was a little jealous of.

"Hey Monika is this place good?"Sayori asked smiling brightly as the sun towards Monika "Yeah it's nice"Monika walked towards the bench and sat down Sayori did the same Monika put her arm around Sayori's shoulder Sayori blushed softly looking up at Monika who was looking away but Sayori saw her cheeks were heating up turning a shade of red she smiled before she kissed Monika's cheek surprising the girl Monika jolted a bit Sayori giggled smiling at Monika who just blushed "I-I-I-I...a-ah..."Monika was speechless Sayori thought it was a perfect time to kiss Monika's cheek again Monika blush turned a even darker shade of red Sayori grabbed Monika other hand gripping it tightly Monika felt sparks fly as her heart pounded "S-sayori..?"Monika asked "mhmm?"Sayori asked leaning on Monika "C-can..we.."Monika paused "kiss..?"Monika asked she had no idea why she became so shy Sayori stared Monika in her eyes a wide smile appeared her lips soon locked with Monika's Monika enjoyed it.A lot.

Feeling her shyness rush away in the kiss she stared at Sayori beforr going for another kiss she felt Sayori wrap her arms around Sayori Monika's lips drifted into a smile as she continued to kiss the girl after the kiss they dived into another one that was much more hungry and lustful than the other Monika felt as if she had no control of her body as she slipped her tongue into Sayori's mouth making Sayori jump slightly by it before long Sayori appreciated it happily feeling shocks of pleasure fill her body as she started to fight over dominance of one another in the intense make out Monika won of course she explored Sayori's mouth noticing the taste of her she felt herself become addicted wanting more she pulled Sayori closer wanting to get more of the wonderful taste Sayori shivered as chills ran up hee spine she loved the feeling of Monika taking over she felt helpless but she didn't care nor mind she just let it happen she moaned noticing she didn't realize how good it actually felt she felt her throat clinch to the need of oxygen she pulled away coughing a few times before smiling at Monika was was panting loudly she then noticed that she was letting out soft pants too she looked at Monika's tongue which was tiredly flopped out of the girl's mouth she probably never did this before..

Sayori smiled overjoyed to be the Monika's first she hugged Monika softly putting her hear beside her chest hearing her heart beat fastly she rubbed Monika's back trying to help her return to her normal state "A-a-ahaha..~"Monika laughed softly "T-that was *pant* fun huh..?"Monika asked Sayori nodded still hugging Monika who soon put her arm on Sayori hugging her back "Does this make us a thing..?" "Weren't we already a thing?"Sayori asked "I dunno do you want to be"Sayori didn't respond hugging Monika tighter "do you..?"Sayori asked softly in return "Yeah"Monika smiled "Then yeah"Sayori chuckled.

"I love you"Monika softly said blushing softly Sayori smiled "Yeah."She paused "I love you too" "I know"Monika laughed.

Sayori smile shook turning into a weak smile tears formed in her eyes soon falling she started to sob into Monika's chest she couldn't believe what was happening she was so happy..her tears kept on falling her happines filling her heart with love it felt as if a hole in her had been filled because of Monika..she was so happy.
Her dream really did come true...and she was so happy...so so happy

Too bad it would end so soon..

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