A kiss..?

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Monika felt rays of sunlight hit her face making her wake up with annoyance she felt a pair of arms around her she looked down seeing Sayori as all her feelings flew away a blush soon formed in place of them "S-sayori.."Monika said quietly poking Sayori on her lip Sayori happily put the finger in her mouth noms echoing making Monika explode "S-so...cute!!"she yelled causing Sayori to wake up with a yell "I'M SORRY MR.COW!!"she then looked over at Monika blushing "oh..s-sorry"Monika just smiled "It's alright"Monika patted Sayori's head "Let's get to school alright?"Monika said "I don't want to~"Sayori said plopping down at the bed again trying to fall asleep "We need to there might be a test and-"she was cut off by Sayori "Please..stay.."Sayori grabbed Monika's hand giving her the puppy eyes dammit "okay..fine"Monika went into the bed again and slip to Sayori wrapping her arms around her "You're so..warmm"Sayori whispered before falling asleep once again Monika soon joined Sayori in the sleeping world.

*time skip*

Monika woke up yawning softly she looked out the window seeing she slept through the day she looked iver at Sayori who had drool coming down her mouth Monika smiled softly before getting up she walked into the bathroom she took off her clothes before going into the shower.

*yep another time skip~*

Sayori woke up before realizing Monika wasn't in bed with her which made her feel a little empty she shook her head she didn't leave right..? She asked herself hopefully she heard a sound of multiple people talking down stairs are there some people here..? Sayori asked before walking down the stairs she saw no one except Monika and she was watching T.V Sayori smiled happily before walking towards Monika "Hiya Monika~"Sayori greeted "Oh hey Sayori did you sleep well?"Monika asked Sayori nodded "Well with you i slept really good"Sayori said blushing slightly Monika nodded "Thanks your really a cuddler it was nice to cuddle with you"Monika winked did she just wink at me?! Sayori asked her blush becoming heavier "I-I...thanks"Sayori said looking away trying to hide her blush "No problem also sorry for being in a towel my clothes are in the dyer"Monika laughed softly Sayori looked at Monika blushing she never knew Monika had such a nice body everything about her seemed so perfect.. that's why..I love her huh? She just so perfect...way out of my league... Sayori mentally sighed but maybe I can fix that.. "It's fine"Sayori smiled walking to sit beside Monika "What'cha watching?"Sayori asked "Just a random show"Monika answered "It's not that interesting but eh"Monika smiled Sayori wrapped a arm around Monika "Wanna do something...better than this~?"Sayori asked in Monika's ear the..hell? Monika asked herself "W-what will..that be..?"Monika asked looking at Sayori who put a hand to Monika's thigh rubbing it softly "This~"Sayori was inches away from Monika's face "S-s-sayori..?"Monika asked a heavy blush on her face "Shhh~"Sayori said quietly....

*RING RING* Sayori jumped in surpise her lips locking with Monika's both of their eyes widen as they kissed Monika pulled away looking away "I-I'll get it!"Sayori said before running to the phone "H-hello?"Sayori asked a voice came from the other line "Sayori is that you?" "I got the right number right?" Sayori sighed in relief before nodding to herself with a smile

"Oh it's only you..MC"

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now