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PD began by announcing the rankings from 60th to 52nd place. On 60th place was Hu Zhibang with 221892 votes, then Jiang Dahe, and so on. Then from 51st to 42nd. Yu Minjun then said a few words.

"I'm extremely thankful to the citizen producers for giving me the opportunity of standing on this stage, the staff members on the program and the geges, jiejies and teachers. And then PD and all the people who have supported me and encouraged me." He then began tearing up and make me want to cry as well. "I forbid you guys to be lower than me." He then shed a tear and  that's when I lost it.

"Yu Minjun, 加油(jiayou)!" I yelled from my seat and he smiled. 

"All of you guys are above me." He continued. " Deng Lanyi, you aren't allowed to cry." He said as Lanyi cried. 

I now was crying again and extended my hand to the side. Chengcheng caught what I meant and handed me a tissue. I thanked him and tried to dry off my tears. All the frustration of not knowing wether or not you were going to make it after all the hard work was the most frustrating feeling ever. I then saw that Chengcheng was also fighting back his tears and extended my hand again for him to grab it. Once he did I squeezed it and smiled at him. He smiled back and sneakily traced a heart with his thumb on the back of my hand.

"... I remember I promised Citizen Producers before that I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't do it this time. I'm sorry." He finished and we all clapped for him. "My brothers, Jiayou!"

PD then announced the next set of rankings. Zhou Rui got the 32nd place and I quickly stood up to clap for him. He then turned towards me and gave me a quick hug before leaving to his place.

From 31st to the 22nd place was next. Yanjun got the 29th spot. After he had hugged all of the boys from his company he quickly went towards me and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Jiayou!" I told him during the hug and he then pulled away to go to his spot.

After he announced that Bi Wenjun had gotten the 27th spot, I heard the Yehua boys telling Justin his lips were too red and he tried to wipe some of it off, but he couldn't.

"Justin, come here!" I told him and he approached me.

I then did the same I had done to Xukun a few minutes earlier and told him to go back to his place.

"I didn't know Lin was today's makeup artist!" Suddenly commented PD and I chuckled.

Ruibin got the 26th spot and I began clapping for him. He sent me a smile which I sent back.

Then, it was time for the 22nd to 11th rankings. This was getting more and more intense with each second and the nervousness was more than present.

Zeren got the 21st spot and I was truthfully really happy for him. He was not only a great dancer, but his presence on stage was enviable. I was happy that he got a high rank.

"Yanlei!" I yelled as I clapped one PD announce he had gotten 19th place. He went near me directly and gave me a huge hug. "I told you you'd make it." 

"谢谢,琳琳。 (Thank you, Linlin)" He said and went to his place.

Xingjie had gotten 16th place and I was really happy for him too. His dance to the music performance was so good that it made me want to watch it again and again. I was glad the Citizen Producers thought so as well.

Lin Chaoze got the 15th place and approached all of the Can't stop group A. When he came towards me, I hugged him.

"Can't stop me now..." I sang smiling. He smiled back and went to his place.

Qin Fen got 14th place. I was really proud of him. He managed to stand up after his fall to the F rank.

"Congratulations, gege!" I said and hugged him before he went to his spot.

Ziyi got the 12th place and I congratulated him. I really enjoyed his PPAP performance and I knew he had potential for 12th place and above. He really had more to show up his sleeve.

You Zhangjing got 11th place and he hugged me before going up. I then saw Quanzhe panicking and quickly went up with him ignoring Xukun, who was telling me I had to stay on my place.

"Hey, hey, Quanzhe." I said once I got there. "You are above that, okay. You don't need to worry. I know you will be above the cut. Just wait for PD to call your name, okay?" 

He then nodded and I sat down next to Justin on the free spot as I wanted to check on Quanzhe. I quickly asked with my eyes if it was okay for me to do so to PD and he nodded.

Zeren during his speech also sent him encouraging words which almost made my heart melt. They weren't just from the same company. They were like brothers. I wished I had that relationship with someone. To trust them so much that you are amost like siblings.

"Currently, the person who I want to thank the most is Han Mubo." Qin Fen said during his speech. "Actually, I had left the stage for around two years, but Han Mubo convinced me to enter this competition." He said and began tearing up. "Can't Stop B group, I didn't sleep well those nights because I was so excited. This is my return to the stage after leaving for two years. Actually, I really want to return to the stage. Those two years, everyday, I was thinking about my previous performances. I think my heart only beats when I am on stage. That is the time I'm nost just walking around as an empty husk. Only then I am alive. I also really want to say to those possibly eliminated trainees that Idol Producer, without a single one of you, isn't Idol Producer. So, everyone is the best. Right?!" He said and we all yelled <Right!> back to him. "Lastly, I'd like to say that, mum, your son is not old yet. I still can sing, I still can dance, I still can compete. And Linlin, I'm glad I got to see you again after all these years. I'm really proud of you and I will try to make you proud of me as well."

By the time he had finished I was crying a lot. I tried to dry off my tears but to no avail. He already made me proud, he always made me proud. There was no way he would fail me. He was my perfect big brother. He was my role model.

We now had entered the final stage of the rankings and I too was becoming really anxious although I tried not to show it. Did the Citizen Producers watching the program at home enjoy my performance as well or did they not? 

He Dongdong had gotten 10th place and we all congratulated him.

"Your place is there, Quanzhe. I know it." I reassured him and squeezed his hand.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now