46. (45 Chengcheng's POV)

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It was now Lin's turn to perform so I quickly sat on the first row to not miss a thing. Justin sat on my left, Zhengting on my right and Qin Fen and Yanjun right behind us. Just when they went on stage Yunyi was back with his brother and I heard him ask him if he could tell him how she was doing. I felt terribly sorry for Yunyi.

They all then went onstage and introduced themselves

"Hello, we are <so cold it's bad for you team>." They quickly said.

"What?" We all asked after not understanding a single thing.

"We'll say it again slower. Hello, we are <so cold it's bad for you team>." They repeated. It was almost as if though they heard us.

"Hello, citizen producers. I'm your one and only girl, Zhu Lin, and today I'm also the leader. I hope you enjoy our performance as much as we enjoyed preparing it." I said and bowed.

"Stop being cute!" I said and covered my cheeks which were reddening.

"She just introduce herself, Cheng. Chill." Justin laughed at me and I rolled my eyes.

The rest of them also introduced themselves and then PD asked Lin about the origin of the name. She tried to explain it but I got tongue-tied, which I found really cute. Rui ended up explaining it.

"What he just said." She added when he finished making us all laugh out loud.

It then was time to perform and the lights dimmed. 

When the lights turned back on, my jaw was about to touch the floor. The stage, the lights and the background made it look almost magical. 

The camera then zoomed towards Rui and we were even more shocked. Contrary to when he didn't wear makeup, he looked definitely good. I even dare to say handsome. 

Then it was Ruibin's turn, Chao's and finally Lin's. If my jaw was previously about to hit the floor, it was now below sea level even. She looked dashing. The soft light hitting on her face with the burgundy-pink makeup and her hair which was in a ponytail made her look ravishing.

"Cheng, it looks could do more, I'm sure Lin would be pregnant by now." Yanchen said and closed my mouth.

During the song I kept fighting the urge to scream like a fanboy. They did amazing and kept me focused on every detail of what they did. Well, when I say <they> you get what I mean.

Once the song came to an end they stayed with their ending poses and suddenly Lin did a little smile as well as Zhou Rui. After fighting the urge to do it for too long, I stood up and fanboyed. Don't judge me, okay? I'm sure you would have done it if you were on my position.

PD then went back on stage and they went back to normal, Lin back-hugging Zhou Rui as they walked towards PD. It made my blood boil whenever she did that. 

Sure, she has every right to be friends with the boys, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to get jealous. I wanted to talk to her about that. I got that she was close to Qin Fen and that didn't bother me, but with everyone else... It almost killed me.

When the time for the Citizen Producers to vote came, she started making some cute faces which made me melt. She was so precious... I was too lucky to have her.

"Damn, I'd do her anytime." I suddenly heard Qin Zimo say. "I don't care that she's way younger than me. She's still hot as hell."

I then stood up and grabbed him by the collar.

"Say that again if you dare!" I threatened him. "Say that again and I will make sure no one will be able to recognise your face!"

"Dude, chill. It was only a comment!" He said laughing akwardly.

"A comment? A f***ing comment? Do you think that's a normal way of speaking to about girl?" I yelled raged.

"Hey, Chengcheng, calm down!" Said Qin Fen. "What happened?"

"Your stupid brainless friend right here decided that <I'd do her anytime> was the most convenient and normal thing to say!" I explained still grabbing Qin Zimo's collar.

"Leave this to me, Chengcheng." He told me and looked at him deadly in the eye. "I'll knock some sense on him."

After some seconds of silence I released him from my grip and stormed outside.

I went to the nearest vending machine and picked a can of cola to cool myself off. 

Who did he think he was? Did he really think that saying such things about Lin, or about any other girl, was okay? Was he such a thick headed caveman?

Once I finished my can of cola, I threw it away and went to the outside of the results announcement area to calm myslef down. Lin was the only one who could do that right then.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now