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A quick Author's note before the chapter.

If any of you has ever been to or is from London, do you have any recommendations of places I should visit?

That was it. Enjoy the chapter!

"Donghai, was it?" Suddenly said Yixing even though I tried to stop him.

"Yes, who are you? Are you that Chengcheng boy?!" My brother yelled.

"No, no. I'm Zhang Yixing." He said.

"Oh, hello." He said much calmer now. "Was she rehearsing or something? I'm sorry."

"No, no. It's not that." He told him. "I just wanted to tell you that Jackson and I are keeping an eye on her. There's nothing you need to worry about."

"But they kissed!" My brother yelled. "How do you want me to be calm?!"

"It was just a stunt. Nothing more and nothing less." Yixing reassured him. "Don't worry. I'm keeping an eye on them."

"I'll have you believe you..." Said my brother and sighed. "Well, I won't take up any more of your time. I'll call you soon, sis. Good Luck."

"Bye, Donghai 哥哥 (gege)." I said and hung up. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry. I get it. Overprotective brother." He said and ruffled my hair. "By the way, what's your ringtone song? It's quite catchy."

"Oh... I actually composed that..." I said becoming shy.

"For real?!" He asked and I nodded. "You really have talent!"

"I recorded the vocal guide the other day, but I still need to record it properly. Plus I need someone to sing it with. It's a duet." I explained it.

"Can I hear it?" He asked.

"Sure, but don't laugh." I said and played the song.

"Woah!" He said. "That was amazing! I love the traditional sounds it has!"

"You really liked it?" I asked hopeful.

"Like it? I love it!" He said and wrapped me in a side hug. "I know I said I wanted to learn a new dance, but I think we should create a new one from scratch."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"We are going to create a dance for your song!"

We then began working on it and about three hours later we had the base done. We still had to add some more steps here and there and had to perfect it, but it was almost done.

"I'm sorry to leave like this, but I have to go now." He said once we ran through it for the last time. "It was really fun. We should meet up again to continue working on it."

"Sure! Thanks for helping me." I told him.

"My pleasure." He said. "By the way, when Jackson calls, tell him about the lyrics. He might help you polish them, although I think they're pretty good."

"Thank you. Have a safe trip." I said and he left.

I then tidied everything up and laid down on the studio floor as I was super tired. I loved dancing,  but whenever I got really into it, I always ended up exhausted.

There was a knock on the door and I looked up only to find Yanjun staring at me confused.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asked chuckling.

"I'm too tired to stand up." I simply answered. "I was dancing with PD and got really exhausted."

"You were with PD?" He said sitting down next to me. "Why?"

"Oh, I told him this morning that I would be learning a new dance and he said he wanted to join." I said and sat down too. "We ended up creating a dance to a song I'm working on, though."

"You are working on a song?!" He asked. "Can I hear it? And see the dance?"

I then stood up and plugged my phone onto the speakers. Once it was ready, I told him to press play whenever I was ready. I then showed him then showed him the song and dance.

"It's meant to be a duet." I told him once I was finished. "I need someone to sing it with me."

"Who were you thinking of?" He asked once we both sat down once again. "I mean, it is amazing. You really should work with someone that can make the most out of it."

"I really don't know. I need to think about it." I admitted. "But anyway, why are you here?"

"I was searching for you as I was told that the Yehua boys were having a boys night and thought you would be a bit lonely." He explained. "I then crossed paths with PD and he told me you were here."

"Thank you. I am indeed going to be alone tonight. They are sleeping over in one of the other dorms, I believe." I said.

"I would invite you to come to ours, but it's really messy. Unless you don't mind, of course, in which case you are more than welcome." He said and ruffled my hair.

"Who are your roommates?" I asked him.

"Zhangjing, Chaoze and Dinghao." He answered. "If you are worried about them minding, I can assure you they don't."

"Are you sure? I don't want to be intrusive and unwelcomed." I said.

"Don't worry, okay?" He said and checked his watch. "It's nearly ten, have you eaten anything?"

"No, I haven't. But don't worry, I already ate a lot for lunch." I said standing up.

"I don't care. You should at least have a piece of fruit or something." He said. "We don't want the same thing to happen twice, do we?"

We then both left towards the kitchens where I picked up an apple. After that, we headed to my dorm so that I could pick up my things. I told him he didn't need to wait for me, but he insisted.

"Woah, it is really clean!" He said as we stepped inside the dorm. 

"That's because I keep it that way. The boys are all extremely messy." I said and laughed. "If I have to choose the cleanest... Zhengting, maybe."

I then picked up my pyjama and my night time beauty products, placed them on a small bag and left with him to the dorm.

"I need to go somewhere first." I told Yanjun once we were near his room. "It will be just a minute. In the meantime, tell the boys I will be going."

"Sure. Let me take your bag there." He said and I gave it to him. "See you in a minute, then."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now