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"Let's get to work!" I said as soon as I opened the rehearsal room door to avoid any comments on what had happened. "I already learnt up to the chorus, so I can try to teach it to all of you."

They just nodded and we went to work. An awkward silence filling the air.

"Please, say something!" I said turning towards them. "I can't stand this much awkwardness!"

They then slowly began talking once again until the mood was ALMOST like usual. There was definitely some tension present, but only a little.

I then proceeded to teach them the dance and most of them had it roughly memorised after about an hour.

"Can you please now all do it one by one to point out what you need to improve or change?" I asked them and they all nodded.

Zeren, Yanchen, Zhengting, Xukun, Ziyi and Xingjie all did it perfectly, so I didn't need to point anything for them. For the rest, I tried explaining it again and showing them how they could improve, whether it was by changing the strength of the movements or the feeling they gave to them.

"Last... Chengcheng." I said and he stepped forward.

He did it pretty well but had some problems with his solo part (0:35).

"You..." I began, feeling as if my voice was stuck. "You can think of it as if you are trying to get out of someone's grip. Every time you make a movement it has to be strong."

He nodded and tried it again, but he still didn't get it quite right.

"Let's try it like this." I said and went close to him. "Every time I grab you, you need to free yourself from my grip, okay?"

He did it again, this time making the movements much stronger.

"Good! "I said and went to hug him but it became really awkward and we ended up high-fiving.

We then decided to rest and have a laugh for a few minutes before continuing working. We had an intense week ahead and didn't want to run out of energy on the first day.


"Okay, guys. Let's wrap it up here. We'll continue from here tomorrow." Zhengting said and we all clapped for each other's hard work. "Remember in two days we have class with Jackson so we should concentrate our work on the rap and vocals."

" 好,妈妈。(Okay, mom)" I said and we all laughed.

Zhengting then picked me up over his shoulder and carried me to the room.

"Put me down!" I yelled hitting his back once we were there.

"Don't call me 妈妈, then!" He said.

"But you are!" I said. "You are like our mother. 正廷妈妈。(Mama Zhengting)"

"Chengcheng!" He yelled. "I'm going to kill your girlfriend. Do you have anything to say?"

The mood was suddenly really awkward as he realised his mistake and put me down.

"I'm sorry." He muttered but I told him it was okay.

"Just leave her alone, 哥哥。She's only stating the truth." Chengcheng said as he picked up his clothes and went to have a shower.

Without noticing it, I smiled a little. Maybe Xukun was right and Chengcheng actually still cared about me.

"Earth to Zhu Lin!" Zhengting said and I paid attention to him back again. "We lost you for a moment there!"

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I told him and he nodded. "I wanted to ask you something. Do you want us trading beds tonight?"

"It's fine by me." He said. "If that prevents any nocturnal beheadings, I'm up for it."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I sarcastically said. "Let's go to have dinner."

"But wait, we should warn Chengcheng." He said pointing to the bathroom.

I then picked up a piece of paper and a pen.

We have already left for dinner.

I'll save you a seat.

Come whenever you are done.

我爱你。(I love you)

 琳琳。(Lin Lin)

I quickly wrote it and passed it underneath the door not paying any attention to what I had written. Zhenting and I then left.



As I got out of the shower and dried my hair with a towel, I dropped the toner bottle to the floor and crouched down to pick it up. I then saw a piece of paper and picked it up too.

We have already left for dinner.

I'll save you a seat.

Come whenever you are done.



"我爱你?" I whispered to myself confused. "She still even says I love you after all I've done to her. I don't deserve her..." 

I then dressed up and placed the note underneath my pillow before leaving to have dinner too.

As I arrived, everyone was already sitting down and chatting. I searched for Lin and saw her chatting with Justin and Zeren. There was an empty seat beside her. Getting closer, I also saw a tray full of food on the empty seat.

"Bon appétit!" I told everyone and they thanked me.

"Lin already picked up the food for you so you. If she hadn't you would have had to eat everyone's leftovers." Zeren said and laughed.

"Thank you." I told her and sat down. Seeing the tray I saw most of my favourites on it. "I see you picked my favourites."

"I had to pick up some vegetables too for your own health." She said not making eye contact with me. "They told me all you eat is meat."

"Thanks for blowing my cover, guys." I told them with a murderous look and they looked away whistling. "Thank you, anyways. I really appreciate it."

After we were almost done with the food, I saw Lin moving the tomato from her salad aside. She hated it. While still talking with the guys and acting as if nothing happened, I picked up one of the tomato slices and ate it just like how I used to do it.

Through the corner of my eye I saw her moving it so that it was closer to me and continued eating. Just that simple gesture made me smile. It gave me some hope of getting her back. Even though I already knew I screwed up big time.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now