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"Next up, Cai Xukun." PD said. "Is there anything you want to say right now?"

"First, I want to thank every person that has voted for me and supported me. It is you guys who, one vote after another, raised me into this position. Thank you guys for being with me this past four months." He said. "And I must also thank our teachers. Thank you to the four teachers. You've worked hard. And also PD Zhang. I am very thankful for PD Zhang. He really cares about us, he is really very warm. Thank you, PD.

"Thank you to my parents, my family. I love you guys. Thank you to myself from four months ago for making this decision. Today I don't think it's the end. It's the end of Idol Producer but it is our, 100 trainees, beginning. Brothers, jiayou. Linlin, jiayou. I love you. You've worked hard.

"Lastly, thank you, iKuns. Kun and iKun, I love you guys. You've really worked hard."

"Congratulations to Kunkun." PD said. 

As Xukun went up the stairs, I quickly stopped him and offered him some tissues before he went up as he had shed some tears. After picking them up and thanking me, he finally made his way up to the desired first place seat.

"Congratulations to Kunkun for accomplishing his dream of debuting."PD continued. "Kunkun is also a kid who has a deep love for music. I hope he can continue to love it this much."

"Now, there is only one spot left for debut; for <Idol Producer>'s Nine Percent. There are twelve trainees on stage whose name has not yet been called. Among this twelve trainees, who will earn the last spot for debut?" I said. "Let's first reveal the trainees, chosen by the Citizen Producers, who are in the running for the last debut position. There are a total of four trainees. Please, look at the screen."

Bi Wenjun, You Zhangjing, Qian Zhenghao and Bu Fan appeared on the screen and they all quickly gathered together in front of the other trainees.

"Among this four trainees, who will ultimately get to sit on the last debut position?" Said PD. "Like usual, we will start announcing from the 12th place trainee."

"From the Citizen Producers he- he received a total of 5,401,403 votes." I stuttered.

"He is Qin's entertainment Bu Fan." PD announced as he sensed I was having a hard time.

I personally was finding it really hard to announce this as announcing bad news was never an easy thing. PD, seeing how I was struggling, told me with just a look that he would be taking care of this part.

I silently thanked him for this as he took a big burden off my shoulders. I couldn't tell my brothers they didn't make it. I wouldn't be able to live with it.

"Next, we will announce the trainee at 11th place." PD continued. "From the Citizen Producers he received a total of 6,802, 290 votes. He is from Younger Culture, trainee Qian Zhenghao."

Just seeing their soulless reactions was making me fall apart. The mood was so different from a few minutes ago. We had just been giving good news but now we were telling some of them they were really close to making it, but still didn't. I couldn't even bear to see it.

As I couldn't even look at their faces, I decided to turn around and look at the boys already on their seats. Each one of them had a different expression. The Yeahua trainees were hoping Wenjun won and Yanjun was hoping Zhangjing did. As I already knew who made it to the last seat it was even harder to see them.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Gui whispered to me as he saw me looking at them.

"Honestly? No." I told him. "I shouldn't have accepted this position."

"It's okay. The positions we are in has nothing to do with you." He reassured me.

"I know, but telling you if you made it or not just doesn't seem right."

"Don't be so hard on yourself." He told me and extended his hand for me to take it and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You are our little sister after all. We would never hold such a thing against you."

After Xiao Gui's nice words, PD told the audience he would announce the final debuting trainee after the ad break and approached me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked me. "You can go offstage for a minute if you need it."

"I think I may do it. I'm starting to become dizzy." I agreed with him.

"Then go, I'll take care of this. Come back when you have calmed down." He told me.

After thanking him, I quickly went off stage and went to the nearest bathroom.

"Get your shit together, Lin! Linkai already told you you had nothing to worry about!" I told my reflection in the mirror. "Who am I kidding. I'm way too attached to these boys..."

"Are you okay?" A staff member asked me. 

"Yes, sorry, I'll go back now." I told her.

"No, please! Don't go back yet if you aren't one hudred percent fine. We don't want any incidents." She told me.

I then told her I would take a minute and she left me alone.

After freshening up a little, I finally gathered my strenght back and went back towards the stage, just  in time for the ending of the ad break.

"Now, I'm going to announce boy group Nine Percent's last debuting spot. Who will he be?" PD said. "From the Citizen Producers he received a total of 7,706,054 votes. Congratulations Banana Entertainment's trainee Zhou Zhangjing for obtaining Nine Percent's last debuting spot. So, the trainee-"

"So, the trainee who ranked 10th is Yuehua Entertainment's trainee Bi Wenjun." I said interrupting PD. "From the Citizen Producers he received a total of 7,048,689 votes. Just a step away from debuting."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now