Moving day

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"Come on Deedee blow out the candles with Louis!" my mom said as Louis and basically were just spitting in our tiny cake that we would share.

"YAY!" I cheered when Louis got the last candle. We both reached in and shoved cake in each others mouths, giggling like crazy.


"Come on Delihla we're gonna be lateee!" Louis said from his moms car. Today was our first day of kindergarten and we both were matching. Lou is my bestest friend in the whole widest world and we made a pinky promise to get married some day. We both ran in holding hands wearing striped shirts, sandals, and jeans, ready for our fun day we get to spend together.


"Lou how was work?" I asked, opening the play house door.

"Fine dear! How are the kids?" he said while picking up a baby doll.


"LILAH, LOUIS, DINNER!" his mom shouted as we both walked through the door.


"Hi Caren, hi Delilah, come on in! Louis loves having you over!"

"Oh and she loves spending time with Louis!" my mom said while I hid in her coat.

"It's okay dear Louis truly loves you, your all he can ever talk about!" his mom said.

"All who can ever talk about?" Louis said from the hall.

"I was just telling Delilah how much you love her!"

"Mooom," he said, but then whispered," why'd you tell her?!"


"Come on Lou Lou!" I shouted running on the beach

"Slow down then!" he said panting and catching up to me. Louis is my best friend and we tell each other anything. But now I think I have a crush on him...his big blue eyes, and his crazy brown hair, it's just so cute!

"Is this a good spot?" I asked while putting down our blanket and picnic basket.

"Perfect" he said smiling. When we had finished our nutella sandwiches and after he had thrown me into the water, we walked home hand in hand outside our houses (we were neighbors) when Louis said," bye Delilah I love you!"

"Love you too Louis!" I said turning to go when he turned me around and said," no, I mean I really love you." and with that. He kissed me. I heard excited squeals and giggles when I turned to see our moms dancing in the windows and celebrating.

"I guess they know..." he said and we burst out laughing at them.

"So are" I asked hoping we were.

"Yeah, I guess we are!" he said grinning.

"WHOOOO!!!" our moms screamed even louder, dancing even worse.

"Let's go in before they hurt themselves..."


"Mum I'm going to say goodbye to Louis one more time!" I said walking out the door, my light brown hair in waves down my back, sadl bouncing. My brown eyes were full of tears as I knocked on his door.

"bye Louis, I'm going to miss you in new York." yes that's right I'm movin to America.

"It wot be the same without you..." he said. Louis and I only dated for a few weeks because we were bullied. Now we were the best friends as close as ever, until now.

"Hey, you have a chance to make it in the big world, singing! I'm just a small person in your life" I said hugging him.

"What If I don't make the x factor next year? And you are my best friend, you are a big person in my life!" he said whilst hugging my small waist tightly.

"LILAH IT'S TIME TO GO!" my mom said from the car.

"Bye Louis, tell your mum and sisters bye too."

"Bye Del, I love you." he said giving me a hug

"I love you too." and with that I hopped into the car.

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