Wait-You have a GIRLFRIEND!?

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~Niall's POV~

After us lads had...calmed down, I went to talk to Delilah.

"Hey Del?" I asked walking in her room.


"Is your friend Rose...you know...single?" I asked shoving my hands in my pockets. I really liked her she was really funny and bubbly, just so cute!

"Hmm...why do you ask? And yes, she is a single pringle!" She said smirking at me knowingly.

"Oh...just small talk..." I winked before heading to the elevator to go see Rose.

~Delilah's POV~

That's adorable how Niall and Rose both like eachother! D'aww! I got changed into a white and flowered romper, curled my hair Ito beach waves and applying light mascara before going to the kitchen.

"I'm going to work!" I said grabbing my phone and keys.

"you have a job!?" Harry asked.

"Yes, thank you I am a hair stylist and used to be Selena Gomez's before I quit. Suck on that Styles." I said smiling.

"I will!" I heard Harry whisper and Zayn elbowed him in the ribs while Liam was laughing his ass off. I just rolled my eyes and walked out. Of course, Harry smacked my bum and whispered," I stick to my word." I smiled and walked my body very close to his. I put my hand towards his crotch and his breathing hitched. When he thought I was about to "pet the dog" I put the hand in a fist and punched him in the balls instead.

"Do that again and it'll be worse, and 'I stick to my word.'" I said leaving him rolling on the floor holding his area. I opened the door and saw a girl about 19 standing there, she was beautiful, she had to be a model.

"Oh sorry I was just about to knock!" She said. The boys gasped from behind when they saw her. Louis quickly looked away, pale faced.

"Naw it's cool so, not be rude, but who are you?" I asked smiling at her because she seemed sweet. " I'm Delilah!" I added giving her a friendly hug.

"I'm Elenour, Elenour Calder! I'm Louis' girlfriend nice to meet you!" she said smiling back.

That bastard.

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