Batman vs Superman

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~Delilah's POV~

He grinned and started leaning in. I did the same. Our foreheads collided though because Liam bursted through the door.


"My head!"

"Oh fuck sorry!" 's were exchanged and then came an awkward silence.

"So, what exactly did I just walk in on...?" liam asked. Harry and I looked at eachother, he was smiling like the joker. Do you want to know, how I got these scars? Aha oh batman, how you amuse me. He's pretty hot, not as hot as superman. Superman is a freaking god, well, alien-

"we're dating!" Harry said, snapping me out of my thoughts. That seems to be happening a lot lately. Liam looked confused, like a little pug. Puges! Oh my god I forgot about my little puppy I had when I was like 8! Oh Puges, I miss you! Now he's all fat and old and grumpy. Like, hmm, like my dad! AHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god! Sorry daddy I love you! xD and pancakes, those are good. It reminds me of that one adventure time episode when-

"What about Louis?" Liam asked. I felt Harry tense up. Poor curly. Wait, what is Lou gonna think? He won't like this. To hell with him. He's a player. And I feel bad for eleanor. She seems so nice too! I then thought of a song.

No player boy can win my love oh, it's sweetness that I'm thinking of. (next chapter dedicated to whoever can guess the song!)

"I don't care what he thinks, he has a girlfriend and he doesn't own me." I said. We all walked out to the living room.

~Harrys POV~

Batman for the win. In your face Louis, superman doesnt always save the day or get the girl. We then walked out to the living room when I heard shouting.

~Delilah's POV~

"FUCK! AHHHHH!" I heard from the kitchen followed by the smoke alarm. Black clouds filled everywhere. I ran in the kitchen to find Niall clutching a burnt food-like object in the corner of the room. It was really dark and hot. SHIT! I was cooking. I turned to my left and saw a giant fire on the oven and well everywhere.

"GO NIALL!" I managed to choke out. He made it out of the room and I heard everyone else leave. From the hall I heard Harry shouting for where am I bu then the elevator dinged and I knew they went to the lobby. I sprayed the extinguisher at the flames but the smoke filled my lungs and the last ting I remember is my leg burning and everything went black. I couldn't help but think,

Superman, save me.

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