Meet Rose

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A/N: Hello! I'm very sad I only got ONE entry for a new character :( So hat means she won then! We'll be meeting a new character here then congtrats to @TheWaffleNinja for:

Full name:Rose Elisabeth Tuft



Eye color:gray green

Hair color:extremely dirty blonde


How she met Delilah:met her at the town pool and saved her from almost drowning

Personality:crazy and fun

Job:life guard at pool

Relationship status:single unfortuantly


Family:Ruthie six


Photo of her on the side!!! -->

Well, onto the book!

~Delilah's POV~

I truly always loved him. Always, but when he kissed me I decided after what he did, why not a little bit of a chase eh? I didn't kiss back and I pushed him away. He had tears threatening to fall and I felt horrible when one did. I heard shuffling and all the boys were here, they had watched it with sympathetic faces. Louis burst out crying and ran to his room. I think I died a little.

"Why didn't you kiss him back? You love him and admitted it! What are you, some SLUT who PLAYS with emotions?! You are NOTHING like he described! IM going to comfort him like the friend you NEVER were!" Harry screamed and ran out. I started to cry. Liam came and hugged me saying he didn't mean that and that Harry is just protective of Lou.

"I w-wanted tto b-but I just couldn't d-do it! I need a friend not a boyfriend, and after what happened I didn't want to fall too fast. I feel awful." I said and ran to my room. I pulled out my phone and dialed Rose. Me being the clutz I am, I almost drowned at the pool where she works and she saved me. We became best friends and she lives on the floor above me with her little sister.

"Hello?" Her little voice called out.

"Can you come down here? I need you..." I said refusing to cry.

"Aw hon I'll be there in a bit, kay?"

"Thank you."

Five minutes later she came down and I told her everything. We were just eating ice cream when I heard a door shut and she asked me," Do you want me to talk to him? Do I have permission to tell him what you said?"

"Honestly, yea please. And tell him, AND HARRY, exactly what I've said." she gave me a quick hug and walked next door.

~Rose's POV~

I knocked on the door and heard Harry (yes I know who's who, I love them! Nialls my favorite...) shout," HE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU SKANKY BITCH!" geez talk about Larry Stylinson...

"It's Rose! I'm Delilah's best friend!" I called back. The door swung open and I was quickly grabbed in. All the other boys were there and Niall kept staring at me. I blushed and looked away and he did the same.

"You know she feels really horrible...And honestly Harry, what you said was uncalled for." I started, I didn't want to be rude but I needed to say it. He nodded and looked down. "As in go get your ass in there and apologize when I tell you what she's told me." I felt a little more confident and Niall chuckled.

"I like her!" I heard Niall whisper to Liam, he nodded and nudged him playfully. I sat next to him on the couch and he grinned at me. After a bit I told them every bit of Delilah's speech and Louis looked happy that she loved him, but sad, with himself.

"Now go get your girl." I said as Harry and Louis left next door to Del's room. Good luck...

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