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~Rose's POV~

I walked in the room to find Delilah.....gone. I ran to the bathroom to see if she was there, no. I hit the nurse button repeatedly, thinking they would come quicker. She ran into the room and I shouted," SHES GONE!" she then ran out of the room hitting the lockdown button meaning no one gets out. The boys rushed into the room, obviously hearing what I said.

"I just got off the phone with El after ending things...what happened?" he asked looking scared. They're so in love but don't even know it. "where is she?!" he asked, looking like hes about to shit himself.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I said, scared as fuck.

"Delilah...heh..you can come out now....Delilah? This isn't funny!" Zayn said, too much in shock of the situation.

"She's not in the building!" the nurse shouted, running back in the room. We all took off for outside, avoiding the papparazzi flashes.

She was gone and we had to find her.

~Delilah's POV~

I sat in my wheelchair, looking around the arena. So many seats here. I wish I was able to walk, dancing was my passion. I wheeled around, trying to be as graceful as I am when I dance, but I just couldn't. Then, my wheel turned, and I fell off the stage, down five feet, landing on my face with the damned chair on top of me.

"Ow!" I giggled at how clumsy I was.

"Who's there?!" someone asked, scared but trying to sound brave. Shit. It was Liam.

~Liam's POV~

"Who's there?!" I asked, trying to sound brave, as I just met up with Danielle here.

"Let's go check it out!" she said giggling at how scared I was. We walked out onto the stage and looked around when I saw a lopsided sound box. I was about to move on when I saw a sock with monkeys on it. Monkeys=Trees. Trees=Palm Trees. Palm Trees=coconuts. Coconuts= HAHAHA HE GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A COCONUT. Which means...Delilah.

"Hmm I don't think monkey socks match your hospital outfit Delilah." I said, giving a relieved smile to Dani. I had filled her in on everything.

"Shit..." I heard her mumble, and Dani burst out laughing.

"Why'd you leave gorgeous?" Danielle asked as the lump regained herself and say in her chair normally.

"I love dancing and this is where I would go to dance...but I can't now." Dani's face lit up at her saying she loved dance. I chuckled. These two would get on well.

"So what did I miss?" she asked, while we sat in her room. We had gotten her into the hospital again and the lads and Rose were on their way.

"Well, Lou broke things off with El! Finally..." I mumbled the last part but they both busted into fits of laughter.

"Good! Now you can date Louis! He would not SHUT UP about you!" Danielle said excitedly bouncing in her seat.

"I doubt he likes me." she said.

"But you do!" I heard Niall shout from outside followed by a smack and a," shut up Niall!"

"Told you." Dani whispered. Del blushed and looked down.

"YOUR BLUSHING!!" I shouted causing a few cheers outside the door and a," get in there Lou!" from Harry.

"We can hear you!" I called back out, and Ben I heard them all run away screaming like banshees. I need normal friends...

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