Meeting the Female Louis

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~Delilah's POV~

We walked into the room and all of the boys turned to look at us. I was either being read or mentally undressed and it was very uncomfortable.

"So Delilah these are the boys; Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam." Louis said.

"Nice to meet you, officially." I said while waving.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh Be my baby and I'll look after you" my phone started ringing. Look after you by the fray was my ringtone.

"Hello?" I didn't recognize the number.

"Earth to Lilah we just asked if you could answer some questions to see if your worthy." the person said on the phone. I laughed and hung up.

"Thanks for calling Lou." I said," and sure ask away!"

"So you like the fray I see?" Zayn asked.

"Yup my favorite band!" I smiled

"What is your favorite vegetable?" Harry asked.

"Wierd question, but I'd say carrots?" I said. It's true I love em! They nodded in approval and looked, shocked?

"Favorite superhero?" Liam asked

"Easy, superman, and he's hot!" I said smiling. Their eyes grew bigger and Louis was beaming at me. I looked really confused at them.

"Lastly, how many r's are there?" Niall asked. What?

"I don't know! Uh...six?" I said, totally confused. They all looked at me, with big eyes.

"My god..." Zayn said

"What?" I asked, was there something on me?

"She's a female Louis..." Liam said. They all nodded slowly. Lou beamed at me even more.

"I told you she was amazing!" Louis said," she's going to fit right in."

"That's what she said!" I said quietly. Someone had to say it. I said it quiet but they all heard me and started laughing.

"Ahh penis jokes" Harry said. I laughed at that. Harry and Liam walked to the kitchen. After a few min I went to check on them but I heard them talking.

"She's exactly like Louis!" Liam said, I smiled.

"It's insane how perfect she is with us! It's like we've known her forever and she had no idea all those answers were the answers that Louis told us!" Harry said. That's why they were shocked, I am just like Lou. I walked back to the other room pretending I didn't eavesdrop. They didn't notice me there anyways.

"Want to play never have I ever?" Liam asked.

"Sure! But can we play truth or dare after? That's my favorite game!" I said grinning and bouncing. Liam and Harry exchanged looks and Lou put his arm around me.

"That's my Lilah alright!" he said. I just snuggled into his arm.

This would be a fun night hanging out with them

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