Wandering thoughts

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A/N: Hi! Photo over there -> is Delilah!!! <3

~Delilah's POV~

Don't be selfish. He loves her, not me. I shouldn't love Lou, and I shouldn't have believed it when he said he loved me. I can't love him because it's just too much hurt. And that is exactly why I'm on my bed, crying into my stuffed cat.

"Can I come in?" a faded voice asks, softly knocking on the door.

"Go awayyyy!" I called out, if that even WAS me! I sounded awful! But then the door opened and in walked Harry.

He sat on the bed and then said," Nice pussy."

I then started to choke and gave him a da-FUQ you just say? look.

"Your CAT!" he said pointing at poor Mew in my arms that I was crying on.

"Oh......" I said feeling QUITE stupid.

"So, I'm sorry you had to witness what Lou just did." he started.

"No, I'm sorry you had it happen on YOUR bed!" I said trying to chuckle, but it sounded like a gasp. Harry was able to chuckle but then stared at me. Again with the reading or the mentally undressing thing, and it is still VERY uncomfortable. Very. I started to squirm and that snapped him out of it. I blushed. Wait why am I blushing? Do I like him?


Well, yes.


Yeah yes.


"Listen Del, there's something that I wanted to tell you..." he spoke up, did someone die? Maybe. I wonder if they were stabbed. Ooh maybe it was a pack of rabid badgers, they hungry bitches. Or possible someone-

"Lilah?" I was snapped out of my thoughts. I have an....interesting...mind.

"Sorry what was it you wanted to say?" -*-' lol. Face palm. That sounds like palm trees. Oh coconuts! Hehee that dude got hit in the head with a coconut! Maybe that's how they died...can coconuts kill? DUUUDE that would be a great reality drama show,"when coconuts attack!" that would be hilarious! They could have Elen Degenres as the host she is the funniest person ever, and is Dori! Just keep swimming just ke-

"I like you. A lot. And not as a friend....I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked looking at me with nervous and pleading eyes. Dayum. Dey be greeeen! Like green day. That is a scary band right there. Wait-stop wandering! Do I like him?


Will I be his girlfriend?

Aw fuck it.

"Of course I will Harry."

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