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~Delilah's POV~

Wheelchair. That's all that was going through my mind as the nurse spoke. My left leg was severely burned and it would be a few months before I would walk again. What will the boys think? Oh my god the boys! They must be worried sick!

~Harry's POV~

"WHERE IS SHE?!?!?" I was screaming at the firefighter. Niall and Zayn were holding me back from attacking the man. Where is Delilah?! She hasn't come out and I'm worried sick. The building god damn collapsed on our level and I haven't seen her.

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND! WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!!?" I screamed once more. All the boys looked at me shocked except for Liam. Oops forgot to tell them. Oh fucking well.

"Delilah Harris has been taken to London East Hospital in critical condition. Her leg was severely burnt and had a lung collapse but only temporarily, too much smoke but is now cleared out and okay." he firefighter said reading it off of a clipboard. I fell to the ground on my knees in sobs. Louis was silently crying o himself and the boys were on the verge of tears themselves.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU DID THAT TO HER!" I screamed at Lou. "IF IT WEREN'T FOR YO FUCKING WITH HER EMOTIONS AND LITERALLY ELEANOR, WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION! SHE RAN OFF BECAUSE OF YOU WHICH MADE HER LEAVE HER COOKING! YOU DID THIS! YOU!" he then broke into more sobs muttering," I know," and,"I'm so sorry Lilah." without another word I got into my car, grabbing Niall, and drive to the hospital. We were going to see my girlfriend. We were going to see Delilah.

~Delilahs POV~

As she continued talking about the wheelchair, I felt as if someone just punched my lung. I lost my air. My body started to violently shake as I began to fade out. Doctors swarmed me as everything faded to black but I would have sworn I saw Harry and Niall through my big window. I love you boys...

And that's where it went black.

~Harry's POV~

We walked up to the window to see her. She wasnt listening to the nurse at all. I chuckled, typical her. But then she went pale, and violently shook. Niall and I exchanged worried glances as doctors swarmed in. She looked at us once, the corner of her mouth forming a smile, but then she shut her eyes.

"NOO!" I screamed, as her heart monitor came to a straight line.

"We've lost her." the doctor said, unhooking her machines.



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