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~Delilah's POV~

I walked back from my kitchen with a timer that read 5 min. I was being serious, for once.

"Ok well it's just that, the more I see you or hear from you the more our memories come back and the more I miss you. I avoided contact because I thought I would never see you again." he said twiddling his thumbs.

"I get that Lulu," I said using my old nickname for him. His eyes lit up when I called him that," but why didn't you tell me this so I wouldn't have to go through the feeling that you had changed and that I lost my best friend." I said looking down, scared of his reaction. I left out one part, I had cut myself on my arm once because of him and that feeling.

"I'm-what's that on your arm?" he said his eyes angry and scared at it. He noticed. I had lots of other scars too from Calv, my abusive ex. "Who did this. Was this you?!"

"One of them was me...the others..." I said it super quiet on purpose, but he still heard me.

"Why did you harm yourself? Wh-oh my gosh. Was it because of me?" he tried to look me in the eyes but I turned my head and nodded and started to cry. I felt his arms around me and we sat there rocking back and fourth and he whispered," Dee, I'm so sorry I did this to you. I missed you everyday."

"I missed you too Lou-bear" I smiled at the old name. Jay, his mom called him that in front of me when we were 15 and I've used it a lot.

"I love you Lilah!" he whispered next to my neck where we sat cuddling since I had started crying.

"I love you too Lou" I whispered back, turning to face him.

"No I mean I truly love you. I always have, always will." BEEP BEEP the timer went off. I stopped it and motioned for him to keep going.

"This reminds me of when our mums started dancing in the window." I said chuckling at the memory. He laughed too and then I added," and yes Louis, I love you too, always have always will too." I smiled. He brought his hand to my neck and pulled my head in and kissed me. I pushed him off though and he looked hurt.

"Lou, your an amazing guy, but let's start from where we left off at 16. Friends?" I wanted to keep how things were.

"Best friends! Do you want to come to movie night in Liam's room? It's your favooorite. Paranormal Activity 3" he said grinning.

"You now I hate that movie!" I said playfully hitting his arm.

"Aww Lilah I'll protect you!" and with that we walked to Liam's room holding hands. Friends.

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