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A/N: Hello! This isn't a chapter sorry I'm working on it though! (have had writers block) Anyways, I realized I needed something, another character, and this is where you guys come in. I am having a contest for the new character who is going to be Delilah's best friend that will be introduced next ch. Here's what you fill out and leave the application in comments or my page!

Full Name:



Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Structure: (weak, strong, fit, sexy, hot, cute, chiseled, etc.)

How he/she met Delilah:

Personality: (bubbly, crazy, funny, bitchy, etc)


Relationship status:

If dating who and description:


Lives close or far:

Yeah it's a lot but hey, it makes the story better! I will be choosing my top three favorite and please please comment these things in! I also want to make sure your alive because I have 000000 comments!!!!! Oh this will last for, hmm, one, maybe two, weeks and then I decide!

Thank you I love all of you! Mwah!

-Jen x

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