Final Chapter of book 1

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~Delilah's POV~

He grinned at me before swinging me over his shoulder. He then ran with me down the hall and threw me on the couch.

"IS SHE EMPREGNATED NOW?" Niall screamed from the kitchen.

"Who's pregnant?" Liam asked walking in the door.

"Meeee!" Dani said while hopping on the couch next to us.

"You two are a little close there eh?" She asked smilin at us.

"We're dating!" Louis said with the biggest grin on his face.

"Dammit I missed it!!! LIAM! This is your fault for making me go!" She screamed as poor defenseless Liam walked through. He put his hands up in surrender form.

"Wait-WHOA YOU TWO ARE DATING?!?" Liam then shouted.

"HAHAHAHAHA SUCKER YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" Niall shouted at Zayn. He groaned and pulled out his wallet.

"You bet on when we were going to date?" Lou asked, laughing. I on the other hand was rolling on the couch with Dani as we made unusual noises pointing at random stuff. They all turned to look at us.

"Wait...what?" I asked flatly and probably sounded really stupid. HEY! They were all looking at us. I'm too sexy for you peasants to stare at. Bitch.

"I don't know why I'm dating you..." Louis said sarcastically.

"You love me!" I said pouting like a kid.

"Yes I do." He said pecking me on the lips.

"I love you more!" I said looking into his eyes

"I love you, forever."

"Now we just have to find Niall a girlfriend!"

"Yes you do!" He said from the couch.

And that's where the second story begins.

------------The End------------

THERE IS A SEQUAL. Haha there's more of Del and the boys, just this next one is focusing on Delilah getting Niall a girlfriend! Maybe it'll even be Rose.

The second book is finished and so is the third! I'm currently working on the fourth [and final :'( ] book of the series! They're all on my page!

Thanks for reading,


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