Should've Said No

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~Delilah's POV~

"hey, can I talk to Del alone for a second?" harry asked the boys and Rose. They gave me unsure looks, as I had filled them in on what I saw. That girl was beautiful, I could see why he did it. They reluctantly walked out and he sat down.

"Lilah..." he started.

"What, did she put you down so your back now?" I asked giving him a dirty glare.

"One day. Not even. 3 Fucking HOURS Styles. And you've already cheated on me. How can I trust you? How?" I said, after he hadn't answered.

"I'm so sorry. There was something about her," that I didn't have, I thought," that was so alluring. I don't know what came over me." he said starting to tear up.

"I wasn't enough for you. Because while I was here being so selfish with my needs of DYING, you needed a break and kissed that girl. She's beautiful, I can see why you did it. I'm no flower, I'm not as pretty as a daisy or tulip." I saw him tense at the word daisy. " what, was her name Daisy?" I said, venom clear in my voice.

"Yeah, actually." he mumbled looking at his hands.

"Was it worth it?" I asked harshly. He didn't answer.

"Was she worth it?" I asked softly, as I had started to cry at that point. He still didn't answer, but that was enough.

"I guess she was then." I said starting to cry harder.

"What? No! No! I was frozen, like I wasn't able to answer at all!" he said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"No." I mumbled, turning my head away from him.

"w-what?" he asked, tears falling from his eyes.

"No." I said stronger. "I can't do it anymore Harry. I'm done."

"What are you saying Delilah?" he asked tryin to grab my hand. I pulled it away.

"We're over Harry." I said, and brought my hands to my face, sobbing into them. He simply shook his head and ran out of the room crying.

~Louis' POV~

"Harry?" I asked as he slumped into the wall by us, sobbing hysterically.

"What happened bud?" Liam asked, hanging up the phone as he was filling in Danielle. She's coming over to meet Lilah and Rose.

"She brok-ke up with m-me!" he said between wails. I suddenly felt happy.

"I'm going to talk to her." rose said standing up from Nialls lap, giving him a peck on the cheek. Aww.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to happen.." Zayn said. "it's the roller lasted of life." I bursted out laughin at that last part, even Harry chuckled. Ooh, I should probably call Eleanor. Ugh, I really need to end things. We just aren't working, she's too clingy.

"And annoying." Niall said. What?

"You spoke that our loud dude." He said, everybody laughing. Harry included. He had stopped crying, the boy really does move on fast, good for him.

"Go call her and finish it Lou." Liam said giving me a reassuring smile.

"I will."

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