Taco suits

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"Never have I ever had sex with a man." Zayn says. They look at me and I didn't take a sip of my coke. I'm still a virgin, and thank god none of the other boys took a sip, they were virgin...boy-wise that is...

"Really Delilah?" Harry asked

"Yeah..." I said shyly. I was very embarrased about it, I wanted to be in love with the person I chose it with.

"Lets move on, never have I ever dressed as a taco and run through the streets." Liam says. Lou and I look at each other and smile, then down our coke. The boys looked like we were nuts.

"Really you two?" Niall asks laughing.

"Well it was summer, we were 14 and bored, bought taco costumes, then we ran through the city streets calling each other Pablo and Peppito!" Louis says and we laugh at the memory. Someone called the cops on us at one point! The boys join us laughing and Haz and Liam exchange looks again and smile. Okay guys I know I act like Lou, stop having told you so moments with each other! Geez...

"Can we just play truth or dare now?" I ask,"it's my favorite game!"

"Mine too!" Louis says and high fives me. Harry laughs and Liam smiles. My god...

"Okay Niall truth or dare?" Liam asks.


"I dare you to wear Lilahs bra over your shirt and run around the lobby!" Harry says smiling and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"WHAT?!" Niall and I say at the same time.

"I am not going bra-less around you hormonal lads. I'll cause a sex riot!" I say laughing. They join in and I hear Haz whisper," straight up!" and Louis' grip around me tightens. I walk into his bedroom and take off my bra and put on a jumper to add a layer on. I walk out and hand him my bra, it's a nude color and he's wearing a white shirt. Lucky me.

"Hott..." I hear Harry whisper and hen Lou elbows him. If looks could kill, he would have. Een murdered slowly with a fork, taped back to life, then stabbed fifteen more times and died again. I would have gone to his funeral...Lou wouldn't...he'd be on the run from murder.

Niall takes it and walks out shamefully. I can hear Paul screaming at him from here...poor thing!

"LouLou truth or dare!" I say.

"Hmm...truth!" he says after tapping his chin.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone-"

"-Yes!" he says

"I wasn't done Lou! Have you ever had a crush,...on anyone here? And if so when?" I say. He blushes deep red and I got a high-five from Zayn.

"Yes..."Louis mumbles

"When Louis" Harry asks obviously amused

"Since I was one..." he whispers. But I heard. They all look at me except LouLou.

"Delilah! Truth or dare!" Liam says with some glint in his eyes. He was up to something in his head.


"Same question you asked Boobear!" Liam says. Louis quickly snaps up.

"Yes....always..." I say quietly. I get up and walk to the kitchen wanting to be alone. Someone walks in and I thought it was going to be Niall returning my bra, but I was spun around and I felt lips on mine. It was Louis.

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