Room 482

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Delilahs POV

So much has happened since I left Doncaster 4 years ago. I had an abusive boyfriend who left a scar on my back, I'm 20 now, I'm a hairstylist, and Louis's band is famous now. When he auditioned he sang hey there Delilah which fits the situation perfectly...huh. But me being in thougt caused me to run into someone causing me to land on top of him...awkward!

"Sorry." I mumbled. Then I looked into his eyes, his blue eyes. Louis Tomlinsons eyes. I quickly stood up.

"S'all right love. Hey do I know you?" he asked scanning my face.

"Nope sorry!" I said keeping my head down.

"oh okay then," he said while I was leaving," see you around Delilah!" I froze and slowly turned around and saw him smirking at me.

"hi Louis..." I said. He came in for a bug but I pushed him away which caused him to frown. I texted and called him almost every day for 4 years and nothing! Not one text!

"Why did you pretend you didn't know me Lilah? I can recognize my best friend"

"Because I don't know you anymore. I texted you, called you, nothing. Hell I even sent you a card every year on your birthday and still....NOTHING! You've avoided me 4 years and now you come around trying to hug me and 'best friend' me! Ha! My ass Louis Tomlinson. I sent you a friend request on Facebook and you DENIED it dammit!" I was pissed now.

"Is this the girl you wouldn't shut up about on tour? She's AWESOME! She totally burned your ass Boobear!" a guy with curly hair who I knew as Harry said. I laughed at the inside, he was pretty funny.

"If he wouldn't shut up about me then why didn't you talk to me. ONCE? Four years is a long time Im surprised you recognized my face! I didn't recognize your head since its gotten so damn big!" Harry started to chuckle.

"Lilah please listen to me." Louis said. It looked like he was about to cry.

"Don't call me Lilah. Only the people I'm friends with and talk to me get to call me that." his eyes became full of pain.

"Louis your in deep with her!" Harry said still laughing, and I thought was funny and let out a chuckle. Harry winked at me and Louis glared at him.

"Delilah I only ignored you because I misses you too much," Louis started.

"Bull." I said with anger clearly on my face.

"Can we sit down and talk about this?" he asked gesturing to the Starbucks.

"No. Stay out of my life Louis Tomlinson. The last words you said to me we're I love you. Ha. Total bull." I said as I pushed past him, I saw a tear rolling down his face. A few were dripping down my face too.

"She's feisty...and hott!" I heard harry said. Haha I'm not pretty poor him. My phone beeped. Text from: Louass </3

Del please listen. The more I see or hear from you the more I miss and want to see you so that's why I wouldn't answer. I still like you del, I'm staying in the Hilton here in room 482. Please stop by. -Louis xxxxxx

Crap. I live in that hotel. In room 480. And when I walked up the stairs I saw them stepping out of the elevator. Harry walked into room 481, Louis walked to the door of 482 but leaned against it and started to cry. I slowly walked to my room but he saw me.


"Suprise...I live here on this room..." I said unenthusiasticly

"This is great!" he said, like he had something planned. But what?

Hey there Delilah (Louis Tomlinson love story)Where stories live. Discover now