I'll call your mum!

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~Harry's POV~

I felt like a total douche for busting out on Delilah. Honestly, I think I have a small crush on her.

"I don't think I can do this..." Louis said when we were outside her apartment.

"C'mon Lou grow some balls. You've got less meat than a vegetarian shop down there!" I said trying to lighten the mood. He cracked a smile and knocked on the door, but his face turned pale when she opened the door. She looked horrible! Her hair was messed up, pale faced, puffy eyes and nose, bloodshot eyes, baggy clothes, and tear stains all over her face. Louis looked the exact same. I couldn't help but think, did I do this to her?

"Yes, partially you. And I know I look horrible, you speak your thoughts out loud Harry. Are you done insulting me or do you want to call me a slut again?" Delilah said starting to shut the door. Shit.

"You called her a slut?!" Louis shouted at me. Shit shit.

"Yes I'm so-" but I was interrupted by a door slamming. We forgot she was shutting the door and our argument let her.

"DAMMIT DELILAH OPEN UP!" Lou shouted banging on the door.


"Shit not my mum! She loves Del she'll skin me alive for thi-AWW FUCK!" Lou said. His phone was ringing.

"Hello? Hi mum...Yes...yes we did find eachother...yes a fight...I do love her...mom I don't need to grow some balls I tried to talk to her!...I know you like her...I tried not to lose her again...no I'm not giving up...she-she said that?" his eyes started to water there,"okay well I really need to talk to her then...okay...bye love you too." he turned and looked at me.

"Haha dude she called your mum on you!" I said trying to joke again. Instead a tear dripped down his face.

"She told mum she hated me..." Louis said looking hurt as he ever has. I knocked again.

"WHAT!" she yelled flinging open the door. Lou quickly wiped away a tear.

"Look I'm sorry okay?! I didn't mean it I just didn't like it that Lou was hurt and you arent any of those things. Forgive me?" she sighed, but then nodded. Louis was right about her, forgiving and kind, unless you truly got to her. I gave her a bear hug but Lou just stood there awkwardly.

"Imma leave you two then!" I shouted running off. Sadly, I still have a crush on her, and if she doesn't get with Louis soon, then I'm going to take her faster than he can say carrot.

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