Something important

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~Danielle's POV~

"uhh Liam? Can I talk to you...alone?" I asked. I needed to tell him the real reason I'm here, I mean I did want to meet Delilah and she's amazing and my best friend, but this is important.

"Sure babe! Be right back Del." he said, grinning at her. I faked a smile, I was scared as hell about how he would take this.

"So what is it Dani? Is everything ok?" Liam asked as we rounded the corner.

"No, Liam, I'm..."

~Louis's POV~

"Run like crazy bastards!" Niall shouted as the fans chased us down the street. So much for some Starbucks for everyone.

We charged through the hospital doors and the security guards blocked the door. Zayn sighed in relief and sipped his drink. We rounded the corner by my D-, I mean, Delilah's door, and saw Danielle sobbing as Liam comforted her. He looked like he was about to shit himself, but happy. We exchanged looks to ask him about it later. As we walked we saw that Del had fallen asleep. Liam and Dani then walked in, smiling in love. They had just overcome something big, I could tell. But what?

~Liam's POV~

Oh my god. Oh my god. Those were the only things I thought first. But I love her, she loves me, and I know this will work out just fine. I'm actually quite ecstatic now! I shot her one last smile as we sat down.

"soo....what's up...dawg..." Harry said awkwardly and Dani burst out laughing at him. He turned red from embarrassment but regained himself saying," but seriously, what's up?" I gave Dani a look if it was okay and she nodded.

"Well, Danielle and I have big news,-" but I was cut off by Lou.

"Your getting married?!" He said grinning like a fool.

"No, we aren't-"

"Yet" I said, cutting her off and winking. Lilah rolled over in bed, awake now and said," aww" good she's awake to hear this.

"Ugh boys! Please, this is serious, let her finish!" I said grinning at her, anxious for my mates to hear this.

"Guys, I'm pregnant." She said grinning.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Delilah screamed super happy and tears slid down her and Dani's faces. They hugged eachother.

"Congrats!" The boys said.

"And then I'm taking it shopping, and to Disney, and every Toys R Us..." I heard Del tell Dani. They both grinned at me and laughed. I'm so glad they took it well.

Danielle and I are going to be parents.

I'm going to be a daddy.

Literally this time.

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