Stepped on a Lego

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Delilah's POV~

"Oh, uh...Hi." I said to Eleanor while shooting daggers at Lou. "In off to work now." I said running out so they wouldn't see me cry. I walked into the shop having a normal day when I see 5 people walk in with rainbow afro's and mustaches. Aka, Harry, Rose, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. They all came to get trims on these but I still made them pay. Every hour they would come in with different hair and accents.

"Okay you guys are holding up ACTUAL customers! Go sit in the childrens play area!" I said when they came in the 4th time. I was just finishing up my final person when I hear,

"OH MOTHER FUCKING SWEET JESUS THAT HURTS!" I dropped my siscors and ran over to find Niall in fetal position cuddling into Rose while tears of pain fell out. She was trying not to laugh, unlike Harry who was Rolling on the floor growin a six pack from laughing so hard. Zayn looked unaffected while Liam sat in the corner holding a squished Lego muttering," how...?"

"What is going on over here!" I asked, scared and mad.

"He-he s-stepped on that leg-go o-over there!!" Harry managed to choke out and started rolling again.

"Ooh that hurts like hell!" I said. It is not very fun. Trust me. Poor babe just nodded his head and wiped his eyes. I went to the back room and grabbed a cookie out of my lunch. His face lit up as he happily munched on it. Omnom Niall, omnom.

"alright, let's go home!" Harry said, regaining himself. We all got home around 5 so I went to start dinner.

~Harry's POV~

Del was going to start food so I decided to find Lou and El to tell them. I heard a strange noise from the guest room where Delilah lets me sleep (my room smells funny) and when I walked by and looked in, I about died from horror. Louis was just...entering...Elenour.

"AHHH!!! MY EYES! WAIT-NO MY POOR BED!" I screamed running out, covering my face. That was horrid.

"What's going o-ohh..." Lilah said entering the room, as a deshiveled Lou and El came in. She quickly walked out and I heard her door room slam.

"I'm going to my room now, bye babe." Ele said, walkin out.

"Dude I thought you like Delilah!!! You are screwing up her head more than my presence of randomness does!" Rose said smacking him in the head. LOL.

"I do though!" he said.

"So you go and have sex with another girl, in her hotel room?!" Liam said.

"I'm going to go check on her." I said running to her room. This is when batman saves the day and gets the girl, not Superman.


Hello! Hope u like the story sorry it sucks!

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Mwah! :*

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