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~????'s POV~

I watched as she came to us, so young.

"Too early." he grunted from next to me.

"Much. She has many things to play out in her life." I agreed, looking into the orb, watching what either would or is her future.

"Take her back." he said as I lowered her back to where she came from. I also threw one of my seeds down around the hall from her, as the fate of the curly haired boy would play out. Only a matter of time...

~Harrys POV~

The power suddenly blinked. I heard a thud from down the hall, like someone just fell. What really caught my attenttion was Del's moniter, which slowly started to blink again.

"We got a pulse!" one of the nurses screamed, as doctors crowded around her. Niall and I started to happy dance. The boys came up and saw us, and grins broke out on their faces.

"I take it she's okay?" Zayn asked, grinning

"SHE CAME BACK TO LIFE!!!" Niall screamed, jumping up and down next to Liam. A few people grinned at the sight.

"Wait, BACK to life?" Liam asked, suppressing nialls jumps.

"She's o-okay though right?" Louis asked, his voice cracking

"Yeah, and look I'm really sorry Lou, I didn't mean it back there..." I said.

"No, it's okay. You had every right." he said before we man hugged. We stood there for a bit, waitin for the doctors to clear out so we can see her, when someone caught my eye. She came around the corner from where the thump was. She wore a green summer dress, and had long, flowy, natural blonde hair, she almost looked like-

"Hi, my name is Daisy. Do you know where the bathroom is?" she asked. Her voice like it came from somewhere else, like the Heavens. A daisy. That's exactly what she looked like. Hmm, smart parents. Lovely lady.

"I'll take you love!" I said, a little too happily, because the boys looked at me funny. Oh yeah, Delilah. Oh well! I took her hand, and walked to the elevator to take her to the loo. We walked in and I asked,

"Was that you who made that thump down the hall?"

"Yeah I kinda fell." she said grinning at me, slightly blushing.

"From heaven?" I asked, using a cheesy pick up line.

"You could say that." she muttered, rubbing her head, glaring at the celieng.

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