Chapter 1: The Accident

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Ring, Ring, Ring......

I twist and turn but I still heard my alarm.

I got up and turned off the alarm. I looked at the clock: 6:30....

I quickly changed into a black tank-top and with jean shorts on. I looked in the mirror. I wanted to put my pigtails on but since today was a special day I decide to live my hair down. My hair was up to my butt. I had dull blond hair and olive green eyes.

I walked to Souls room and peck a little. He was still asleep. I tip-toed to him and look at the clock: 6:53.

I was staring at Souls face. He looked so peaceful....Imma scare him. I put my hands over Soul but didn't touch him.


"SOOOOOULLLL IM DYING AND I NEED YOU NOW!!!!!!!"I scearmed.  Soul shot up and yelled," IM COMING MAKA!!!!! IMMA- oh...." He stared a me because he knew what was going on.

"Maka, don't scare me like that...I was going to-" He stopped.

I stared at him and it was soon an awkward silence.

"Soul, come on, got school and we need to eat."I tried to change the subject. He nodded. I got out and made breakfeast. My bracelet chimed every time I moved my wrist. I put the two plates full of food down and I started to eat. When I was half way down Soul came in the room with a Soul Eater tank top for guys and wore long black skinny jeans. He look at me then blush.

I was confused all this year's because he would always blush when he saw me.

He sat down on the table and we ate.


Soul parked his motorcycle and I saw Tsubaki with Black☆Star. They were holding because there were going out for two years.

Tsubaki waved at me and I waved back. Black☆Star let go of Tsubaki hand and ran up to Soul and yelling some about he will surpass god and role the world.

"Maka, are you ready for the party."She asked.

"Yea, but I got no date..."I said sad and mad.

"How about you ask..." Tsubaki leaned closer to me and whispered, "Soul."

"What!! No way. Me and him are friends, not couples."

"You have 1 week Maka and no one ask you out yet!" Tsubaki whispered.

"I'll find him, don't worry." I said cheerfully.


After school, me and Soul got on the motorcycle. I made dinner and of course I finish first.

" you have a date the party?"I questioned. He stared at me like I have 2 heads and then finally said," I don't but I've been thinking that I shouldn't go."

"Oh, I don't have a date either."

We both sighed at the same time after a will. I walked to the living room untill I forgot my bracelet in the kitchen. I turned and walked to the kitchen.  Soul was sitting done but he had his chair toward the TV. I walk until I triped and landed on Soul. He was still on his chair and with both staring each other in the eyes.

He was so...beautiful....handsome....and...

I leaned over and also did the same. We were inches away, no, touching noses!

Then I had my lips on his soft lips. It felt good...I didn't want to be separated from him because I....I.....I love him.

After a moment, we both push away. I realized that I love him very much. I knew who I was going to ask out know. I was blushing and I didn't notice! I just turned my head.

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