Chapter 18: 2 Years Later...Another Child?

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Maka Pov

2 years have already past..

We graduate from highschool..

Tsubaki got married and had a daughter...

I bet your wondering what me and Soul are doing...

Our children have been growing and growing..

Soul and I still go on missions and sometimes go to DWMA. Everything is great. Were planning on getting married! I know...Im so happy.

But what will Soul say...when he finds out...Im having another...Child? I know. Our own third kid. 

Im telling him right after he comes back from Kids house. Oh yea, I found that he did like me, but he moved on and married Liz.

Ding Dong

He's here! Im going to tell him!

"Hey honey!" I cheer. He hugs me and I hug back.

"Whats up sweety?" He asks. I smile.

"Were having another...child..." I smile. He hugs me more. 

"Is it a boy or girl?" He asks.

"I think a boy."

"A boy...hmmm" I look up and Soul and he seems in deep thought. I think he's thinking of a name.

"Slade. Slade Wek." Soul asked. I nod.

"Prefect...." I hug him. He kissed me on the forehead and we both head to our twins. Storm was a like me and Sky was like Soul. It was quite funny when Storm, does his lttle chop. I walk in the room and see Storm and Sky agruing about toys.

""*giggle* What happened?" I giggle out.

"Sky keeps taking my books!" Storm agrud. I look at Sky.

"I want to play with him! He's so boring!!" Sky whines.

"How about you play with daddy and I read to Storm, so you won't be bored." I explain. They both nod. I take Storm to Souls and my room. We both started to read about Red Riding Hood and other fairy tails.

"Mommy?" Storm looked up at me. 

"Yes sweety?" I ask him.

"Who was born first?" He asks. I chuckle.

"Your sister was born first by 3 minutes. Your a baby brother Storm, well, your going to be a big brother..some day. " I say while stroking his hairs. He laughs.

"I want to be big brother!" He cheers. I laugh.

"You will. you will.." I chuckle.

"Yea!!" He cheers. Well today is a special day for him..


Sorry if this took long! And if its short!! I hope you still like it!!

Soul: What took you so long?

Naya: Well, Im busy with other books and tomorrow Im heading to school..yea...wish me luck!

Maka: I wish you luck! Oh yea since its almost the end, Naya0731 does not own Soul Eater. She only owns Hina and Ghost. Also the children!!

Naya: Thanks Maka!! See ya later peps!!

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