Chapter 4: Confess My Love

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I saw the clock and jumped out of bed to get ready. I wore a red short skirt and wore a black tank top that said 'I'm Cool and You Know It'. I got to the kitchen and made pancakes and eggs. Soul came in the room blushing. I smiled at him and he turned even more red.

I put a plate in front of Soul and he started to eat or pig out. I ate slowly then finish. I went in my room and braided my hair. I looked stunning and beautiful. I walk out of the house with Soul and we went to school.


"Hey, Maka did you forget anything before we live." Ask Soul.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'. We shut the door behind us and we went where Soul was taking me.

We made it to a restaurant and it was pretty fancy. Me and Soul went to a table and order food.

"Maka, after this you wanna go to the park?" Soul ask nicely.

"Sure." I said unsure. Me and Soul finally finish and payed the bill. We went to the motorcycle and went straight to the park. I wonder why he is doing this really. He would never like book worm like me.

Soul and I sat down on the bench and Soul looked really worried. After moments he finally said," Maka can I ask you something and this is serious." He said nervously. I nodded and he turned and he  stared at my olive green eyes. I had my gift for him so I can repay him for today.

"Maka, I really...really and I mean really...." He looked at me and he took a box from his pocket. "like you and would you like we were could go out..."He said sticking the box to me.

I took the box and open it. It was so beautiful. It was a necklace that was a heart and it said 'Maka' on one side and the other 'Soul'. I smiled and looked at Soul. I leaned over to kiss him and he was shocked that I did that. His kiss made sparks fly and they warmed me up. A minute later we pulled away from each other.

I looked at him. " Yes I will go out with you Soul." I smiled at him. He grinned and he kiss me this time.


We pulled away and I said, " I love you Soul."

"I love you too Maka" He grinned and then we headed home.


Sorry if it's short. Comment, vote and like!!!!

Naya: Soul aren't you gonna kiss Maka?

Soul: If you give me 50 bucks I will.

Maka: Soul! I'm not gonna- *Soul kisses maka*

Naya:....See ya later....

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