Chapter 7: If you love me

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Tomorrow is day for the party!!!! I can't wait. The party is on Saturday. Today is Friday and we were supposed to have school but Lord Death gave us time to get ready for tomorrow. I woke at 8:23 and got dressed. I wore a black skirt (that was really short) and a red tank top that said 'I'm a meister'. I looked at my self in the mirror. I put on my necklace that Soul bought me.I looked beautiful. My chest has got bigger but at least the size of fist.

I walked out of my room and headed for Souls room. Me and Soul were going shopping to see what me and Soul liked for the party. It was the last day party. I knocked on Souls room. No answer. I peeked and Soul seemed asleep. I tip toe to Soul and glared at him for a sec. He looked like a baby. I giggled a little and turned to walk away. I felt something grad my arm. I was pulled into something warm.

"Now, why are you up so early babe?" Soul said with a sexy voice.

"Well I was going to wake you up but you looked so peace." I replied will a trying to escape from his prison arms.

"Well looks like you want me to make breakfeast? Well it's your turn now." He grinned. I was struggling until I escape from his arms. His grin turned into a frown. I smiled.

Wow, wants this hardcore....ok, if he wants it, he'll get it.

I pushed myself forward for a kiss. I pushed ourselfs against the bed. We were making out hardcore. Soul and I switched spots, so Soul was on top of me, now. He pulled away and started to tickle my neck.

He stop and started to suck on my neck. He was giving me a hicky!!! I guess I'll give him one too, for revenge.

After minutes of sucking he stopped.

"This is proof you are mine" He whispered in my ear. He got up but I dragged him back to his bed. Now I was on top of him.

"Maka, aren't we going to eat or have a sex party?" Soul said toying with me.

"No, I'm just going to prove how much I love you." I whispered in his ear. I kissed and our tongues started to fight each other. After seconds, I pulled away and went to his neck. I kissed his neck then started to suck. Soul moaned. He was trying to escape but I held him tight.

I was finally done, I pulled away and standed there. Soul stared at me then grinned. I still felt his lips on my neck. I rub my neck. Soul did the same thing.

"That's proof that your mine, Soul-kun." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Now let's get breakfast ready" Soul said grinning and his shark teeth showing. I nodded and walked out with Soul. We were holding hands like lovey-dovey. If this is a dream I never wanna wake up!!

"So what should I make, eggs and bacon or pancakes?" I asked will moving away from Soul.

"Eggs and bacon please!" Soul said child-like. Soul always loved how I made my eggs and bacon. I couldn't help but giggle." Oi, Maka, I haven't seen your father or Blair lately?" Soul said a little worried.

"Relax, my father is a death scthye, and Blair is a cat with witch like powers, so there good." I replied making the breakfeast.

Before I could've even start on the bacon, Soul grads my waist.

"What are you doing? Don't you want breakfeast?" I said uncomfortable.

"No, I want you. And only you." Soul said sweetly. That was so sweet of him but I'm hungry. "Hey Maka, can we talk for a little?"

"Sure what's wrong." I said not turning my head. Soul grad my waist a little tighter.

"Um...since....were like a couple now....aren't we like...move to the next level."

I froze. So wants to have sex. I'm cool with that but why would he ask?

"Soul, I love you, I would have sex with you, but why are you asking me right now. When we were making out you could've askes me?" I said worried.

" Ok, if you really love me, you'll let me pick the dress right?" Soul grinning.

"Fine, only because I love you."

"Alright!!" Soul nearly shouted.


Oh things are getting nasty here!!! Too long. Too short comment, vote and like!!!

Naya: Looks like you might have sex!!

Maka: I swear if you write a sex scene I Wil freaking kill you!

Soul: Maka, it's not a big deal!

Maka: So, your not bothered that we might have sex!

Soul: Pretty much

Maka: Makaaaaa.....

Soul: It not a bid deal ok.

Maka: Chop..

Soul: Ow what was that for!!

Naya: Till next time and pray that Maka won't Maka Chop me next!!!!

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