Chapter 19: Im Married!!

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Maka Pov

Tomorrow I'm getting married! I know.. Im so excited!! My children are 4 and my third child is 1 1/2 years old. Oh, Slade has white hair with crimson eyes. He looked just like Soul! He already has his sharp shark fangs.

I was really nervous for tomorrow and even Soul was. Right now, Tsubaki was trying to calm me down with some games and TV shows.

"Maka, your wedding will be just fine, don't worry," Tsubaki said, stroking my head. I was trying to bit my fingers, but Tsubaki would stop me.

"What if it isn't?! You already done this, so you can't worry! This is my time not yours!!" I said freaking out. Tsubaki hit my head.

"Trust me, everything is going to be fine, I promise," Tsubaki reassured. I slowly nod.

Well, time for bed.

I marched to mine and Souls room and jumped in bed.

"Good night Maka~" Tsubaki sang ad she closed the door slowly. I lay there in bed and felt my eyes getting heavy. Then everything turned black...


I woke up hearing my alarm go on. I click snooze and run to the shower. I quickly take the shower and change into long black jeans with a pink t-shirt.

I head to Tsubaki's place to do my hair.

When I got there, Tsubaki was already ready. I sigh in relief and sit down on a chair and let Tsubaki do my hair.

After an hour of hair and make up, we were finally finished! My hair was tied up in to bun, and my new bangs fell across my forehead. The powder (I don't know make up because I ain't girly so I'm going to call the stuff on your on eye leads powder) was a natural light blue and a little eyeliner (that's the only make up thing I know). My lip stick was a cherry pink just like my pink powdered cheeks where.

I thanked Tsubaki and headed to the church. I made it to the church and get to the dressing room and change to my wedding dress.

My wedding dress was long and silky with sewed flowers at the bottom. My upper body hand long sleeves. I looked like a beautiful princess who needed there prince charming by there side.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I found!" Yelled Storm and Sky. I turn around and see them holding one white tulip with blue out lines. I grad the flower from them and smell it. It smelled I don't know joy smells, but it just the reminded me of it.

"Where'd ya find it?" I asked smelling the flower again.

"Before we got here, Grandpa took us to a field full of them," Sky explained. I frown.

"Where is your grandpa anyway?" I asked with concern. They point at a direction.

"He's with some lady," Storm announced. I shook my head in disappointment. Still out for girls even thou he's old. I thought.

" Where's your brother Slade?" I asked. They pointed at another direction. 

"With uncle Star," they say in unison. Ok let me explain, my kids call Black Star, Star because it seems too "dark" for them.

"Ok, go with Anut Tsubaki and Uncle Star for now," I ordered. They cheer and run off to Black Star and Tsubaki.

(Time Skip)

I walked down the allie, me and my dad's arm join together. People staring at me with joy and excitment. My heart skip a beat as I saw Soul standing there, smiling warmly at me.

His tux was neatly done and his hair was the same as always. He just looked....handsome and different. I hint of blush came across my face as he smirked.

When I got there my father begged me to say no and move with him, but I refused and stood in front of Soul, smiling proudly at him. I waited until I had heard those 11 words.

"Do you, Maka Albarn, take Soul as your lovely wedded husband?" the man said (yea, I don't know a lot of things sooo yea).

"I do," I proudly said.

"Do you, Soul Eater Evans, take Maka as your lovely wedded wife?" He asked. Soul snickered.

"I do," My heart rase fast as the guy said 5 words.

"You may kiss the bride," Soul leaned toward me and lifted my chin as he kissed me. The kiss was passionate and sweet, but this was different. It was like a new whole world different. The kiss was...The kiss seem like it was saying...I love you more than anything...

I heard claps, cheers and whistles all over the church. I slip my hands threw his hair while he wiggles his arms around my waist.

When we pulled away, his eyes said You ready?

Of Course I Am...

I was finally married...and with the love of my life...

Me and Soul walked down the allie as everyone cheered and clap. We got in the limo and went to the after party.

I'll tell you this, we had a great time. We danced, laughed, played and more. It was...was...was something that anybody could have, but very difficult to find. I want everyone to find this. I want nobody left in the dust, I want everyone to be free!

When the party ended, we headed to the house and layed the kids down on the bed. I went out on the balcony and left the wind blow my dirty blond hair back. I felt last...

"So, how was the party?" Soul asked as he enters the balcony. I look at him, then turn to the moon.

" Fine," I simply say. He looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked.


"Maka, tell me,"

"Fine....I was just thinking..that we should...Enjoy the time with our kids before they leave us," I told him. He smiled at me.

"And will spend as much time together until we die,"

"Because we are married,"

Memories flashed before like i was going back in time. Everywhere, was a beautiful memory. My life will be beauty. It will be happier and it won't be sad. Life may not be fair, but I will try to make it fair for everyone so everyone can live in happiness!!!!

(listen to the whole song if you want to)


This aint the last chapter and the next chapter yes I didn't talk about Hina and Ghost a lot, but I will when I have time to make a book about them. It will be out on 12/15/14.

Soul: Your only going to publish because you forgot about Hina and Ghost and because your too lazy to write

Naya: Pfttt...Noooo. Ok fine.

Maka: So me and Soul are finally married huh,

Naya: Did you not just read that? Your married and be happy about it.

Maka: *sigh* I just want to get out of here...

Soul: I agree with Maka.

Naya: Fine! Be that way! I'm sick anyway! Bye readers! !

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