Chapter 9: The Surpise

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I woke up at 6:32. Wow...I was really excited to go to the party. I got dressed, not really. I wore a long big  pink shirt, jean shorts and my hair was up hight. I finally exited my room, with my present and made breakfeast for myself.

2 hours passed and Soul wasn't awake. I Looked at the clocked that read 9:34. I got up and made breakfeast for Soul.

When I finished I marched to Souls room. I had made him pancakes and got a piece of pork from last night. I entered the room and he was still asleep. I placed the food down and walked to Soul.

He looked like a baby. I jumped on top of him with made him scearm.


"Because you were still asleep and the party starts at 1:30." I said. He turns to the clock, I also did. It read 10:14.

"I guess we have to get ready" try to stand but I was still on top of him.

"Maka-" I cutt him off with a kiss. He kissed me back and then started to make out. Soul took off his shirt, I did as well.

We got up and still making out and somehow we were in the bathroom now. He pulled away.

" wanna take a bath with me?" Soul said nervously. I nodded shyly and he turned the water on. We stripped our clothes off and went in the water. It was awkward untill Soul decided to break the silence.

"Maka..." He asked.


"I know the party is today we should probably start to wash ourselves." He said nervously.

"Yea..."I replied. Soul and I were washing each others hair, it was rather fun than embrassing. I was ridding my back it was hard. Soul grad the sponge and helped me.

"I got it" and started to rub my back. After he was done I did his back.

"Ya know this is kinda fun, we should do this all the time." I smiled. Soul blushed.

{Souls Pov}

I wanted make love with Maka. I guess I'll do that after the party. I turned to Maka but she was looking the other way. My hands went to her naked waist and she jumped a little which made me chuckle.

I move my hands slowly up her body. I finally reach her boobs. I grasp them and Maka moans like crazy. I move my hands around her body which made her moan alot.

I finally stop and step out of the tub naked. Maka looks at me then turns to blush.

"Don't worry I'll get the towels." I ran out to get the towels for me and Maka. I got the towels and tossed one to Maka.

"Thanks, Babe" she says. We walk out with our towels on. I looked at the clock. 11:23.

"Oi Maka we should get ready now." she nodded. We walked to the kitchen (still naked) to get to our rooms then we heard a door thup. We turned to the door. Did some just knock?

Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Maka change and I'll see who it is." I said worried. She nodded and ran but tripped. She got up but flinch in pain.

"Maka sit do-" before I can finish the door creaked open. We stared in shock. As the door flew open there was everyone (Liz, Patty, Kidd, Black☆Star, and Tsubaki). There were with bags with make up in them and there were holding there dresses. Me and Soul blush. They all stare in shock as Black☆Star and Kidd get nose bleeds. Maka ran to her room and changed quickly. I decided to do the same thing.

After minutes of changing we were in the living room with everyone.


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Naya: So Soul...

Soul: *Blushes* wrote it

Maka: ....*Blushes*

Naya: Soul, you knew this was gonna happen. *Smiles evily*

Soul: You know you didn-

Naya: Untill next time bye!

Soul: Wait I didn't finish!!

Naya: Well too bad bye everyone!!!*Waves goodbye*

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