Chapter 10: The Party

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Sorry if this took long, PLZZZ FOR GIVE ME!!!!

{Maka's Pov}

Soul and I were walking to the living room nervously because in what they saw early.

"Oh, Hey Maka!" Patty nearly shouted.

"Maka let's go to your so we can change!" Liz said excited. Why were they ignoring the fact they saw us both naked? Something weird is going on.

{Kidds Pov} Before They saw Maka and Soul Naked....

I love Maka so much but to bad she with Soul. What does she see in him. He has no good looks, I do! Ugh, this makes me so mad.

Everyone (Liz, Patty, Black☆Star and Tsubaki) were heading to Souls house so we can all go to the party together. We were in front on of there door.

"I can't wait for the p-" He was cutt off when Liz slapped him and Black☆Star made a thup on Souls door.

"Why'd you do that, Liz?" Black☆Star said rubbing his cheek.

"Be quiet,  we're surprising Maka and Soul idiot." Liz whispered. Tsubaki knocked on the door but no answer. Patty held the knob and twisted to check if it was opened. It was!

She knocked the door to the side and looked around. Then I stared in complete shock. Maka was in a towel that cover her body and Soul had towel around his waists showing his abs. Maka ran out the room to change or something. Soul chased behind her.

Why....why...why we're they naked?!?!

{Maka's Pov} Back Where we were!!

Liz, Patty, Tsubaki,  and I went to my room to change.

"So Maka, why we're you and Soul naked?" Liz asked evily. I nearly choked on the air when she said that.

" and Soul...we're making out...." I said quietly.

"Maka had sex!" Patty nearly shouting.

"No! We we're just...making out." I said getting quiet.

"Surrrrrrrrre, now let's get ready!" Liz said.

[Moments Later]

I had my hair in a braid, it looked so beautiful. I think it was because I had long hair. Tsubaki put some white flowers that sparkled in my hair. I wore little make-up so I wouldn't look like a clown. I was stunning and with my dress that blended beautifully with my hair and make-up.

Tsubaki had a blue dress that slid down legs. The bottom was torn to show her  left leg. Her hair was in a bun and after a while she un-did the bun and her hair got curly. Her high heels were a golden color that shined. She also did had little make-up.

Liz had a dress like me but a little different. It was red and a little longer. She wore alot of lip stick, her lips we're bright red. Almost like a cherry. She didn't wear alot of eye liner and the other make-up stuff. Her high heels were a diamond color with a touch of silver.

Patty had a dress like Tsubaki, but ruby red. She still had her hair like always. With no make-up. She had silvery heels with a diamond bows on both shoes.

We finally were done and headed down stairs. The boys were already done and the clock shows 12:30.

"So what do we do for the next hour?" I said.

"I guess we can just watch a movie" Soul replied. Everyone nodded and I picked the movie. It was a short movie but it will do.

I slid the dvd in and watch it. It was a short horror movie, Why'd I have to pick that! I thought.

Every time there was a popping face or something scary I would dig my face into Souls vest.

After the movie, we all started to stretch. I looked at the clock, 1:15.

"We should go now. The party starts at 1:30." I said.

"Hai!"Everyone said at the sametime(Hai means yes).

I was holding Souls hand when we were heading out. I was so happy to be with Soul. I looked around at the others, Kidd looked heart broken. I wonder what happen to him.


We finally make it to the party. Everyone was having a great time. I looked around and saw Hina and Ghost...kissing...In the corner of the room. Well they are dating so it's not that big of a problem. Me and Soul were still holding hands, untill someone dragged me away from him.

I was dragged through a crowd and ended up in a balcony. I looked around and saw Kidd.

"Kidd what are yo-" I was cut off when Kidd kissed me with his cold lips. Kidd is kissing me!! I tried and tried to pull away but he was strong. After awhile I made my way out of his grasp. I was breathing heavly.


"Because I love you.." He said gently. I looked at him in disbelief. I was shocked and my words were stuck in my trot. I finally manged to say,

"But I love Soul and me and you are just friends." Kidd looked at me sadly.

"Why Soul? Why not me?" He questioned.

"Because would sacrifice his life for me, and he has the scars to prove it." I replied. Kidd sighed.

"If your happy, I'm happy." He gave a sad smile and step back.

"Thank you" I whispered. I walked out of the balcony and went to find Soul. He was talking to Ghost and I ran up to him.

"Hey, Babe where ya been?" Soul asked.

"I was talking to someone." I smiled.

"Whatever now let's get this party started!!" Soul yelled. Everyone cheered.


Me and Soul made it to the house. That party was so much fun I can't believe Lord Death had a party with so much acholo.

{Souls Pov}

I giving Maka love right now and today!

Too short, Too long? Tell me in the comments!  plzzz like and vote!

Naya: Soul your so discussing


Maka: Makaaaaaa...

Naya:What happened?

Maka: CHOP!!

Naya: Ow..why ya do that Maka!

Soul: Um...Untill next next time I guess...

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