Chapter 12: Soul Finds Out

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{Souls Pov}

Maka has been acting strangely. She eats alot and became really lazy. AND SHE'S NEVER LAZY!!! I decide shrug it off.

Ding, Ding, Ding....

My phone rang of a text message. It was from my....cousin. I haven't seen her for long time. The message said:

Hey Soul, I haven't seen ya 4 a long time!! I'm visiting for a week and that's it. I'll be at your house tomorrow at 5:30. Give me your address kk.

I texted her my address and went to my room. I listened to music and waited for Maka.

{Maka Pov}

When I get home I have to tell Soul. If I don't he'll keep teasing and I'll have to be forced on missions!

I finally made my way to my house where Soul was waiting for me. Here goes nothing. I opened my door and saw nothing. He's probably in his room. I walked to his room and knocked. I waited 2 minutes untill he finally opened the door.

Soul opened the door and squeezed me. Oh no the baby...I can't let Soul do this. I pushed Soul a little and Soul let go.

"Why did you do that?" He questioned.

"We need to talk..."I replied. He nodded and we walked to his bed and sat down.

I looked at him worriedly and he looked serious.

"Um, Soul...I'm not breaking up with you or anything, it's just that..."I trailed off.

"It's just what?"He asked.

"I'm....I'm," I took a deep breathe," Im pregnant..." I finally said. I held my stomach and looked down.

{Souls Pov}

I'm pregnant....those words echoed in my head over and over again. The room filled with silence. I finally broke the silence by saying,

"It's ok...but we have to save money and think about how we're going to tell your dad and Lord Death. "

"I know that silly," she smiled," Im just scared...what if the baby is not heathly..W-what if it's a miscarriage...W-what happens if-" I cut Maka off.

"That won't happen, I promise." I smiled, she nodded.

"Soooo....what are we going to name our child?" Maka questioned.

"Uh....If it's a boy I want his name to be....Storm Nito Evans..." I said.

"Well..if it's a girl I'll name her...Sky Juliet Evans..." she smiled at her stomach. She said Evans...I smiled at that thought.

"Are we even going to get married?" I asked. Which was a stupid question because she Maka Choped me.

"Don't ask that question ever because I will always love you!" She nearly yelled.

I smiled.

"I love you too." I said and got up from the floor and softly put my arms around Maka's waist and kiss her.

After awhile we headed to bed. Maka fell a sleep easily. I didn't. I should get some sleep...tomorrow is a big day.

-_- Time Skip to School-_-

Me and Maka walked to Lord Death nervously. Maka gulp when she saw Lord Deaths door.

We finally were in front of Deaths door. Maka was shivering, I grab her hand and she calmed herself done. She turned to me and she gave me a you-ready look. I nodded we both walked in with our hands intertwined.

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