Chapter 11: Sh*t I'm Pregnant!!!

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{Maka's Pov}

Soul seemed to daydream to much. I wondered what was wrong?

"Um...Soul?" I asked.

"Um, Yea what is it?" Soul jumped.

"Your daydreaming."

He turned and smiled. He walk closer to me and hugged my waist. He lowered his head up to my ear and whispered,

"Im thinking of you silly" He giggled. He bit my ear which made me flinch alittle. He let go of my ear and whispered again,

" Your my tonight..." He lifted his head to my face and kissed me. It was a passionate kiss. Fireworks should going on by now because we made sparks.

We were making out and somehow got in Souls room. We some how started to strip our clothes. That was the night he made love to me.

{Morning Time!!!Maka's Pov}

I woke up Soul on top of me. Oh yea that happened...I thought. I got up, carefully because Soul was still sleeping. I ran to the bathroom naked and took a long shower.

After I was done I got dress in a red short tank top(the one that shows your belly), long navy blue jeans, pony tail and Michel Jordan red shoes.

I ran to the kitchen to make breakfeast. After I finished, I ran to Souls room and knocked. I heard a huge moan. I giggled.

I creaked Souls door open and Soul was still asleep. A giggle and slip through the door.

I tip-toed up to him and shaked him.

"Ugrhhhh" Soul replied. I smiled because I had an idea.

"Soul," I whispered, " If you don't get up Imma have to get you dressed myself..."I whispered. Soul jumped up and looked around then found me. I giggled at his reaction.

"Maka, stop scaring me..." He moaned.

"Come on, we're suppose to meet everyone at 4." I convinced him.

"Fine" He said angrily and started to get ready.

{3 weeks later....still Maka's Pov}

I've been eating more than usual and throwing up everyday. Ive been getting lazy and dizzy mostly. I didn't know what was going on with me I decided to text Tsubaki about it.

Maka: Hey Tsubaki can we the park plzz. I texted.

Tsubaki: Sure how about at 3:20

Maka: Sure see ya then, I ended it with that.


Tsubaki, Liz and Patty were at the park. Oh I see Tsubaki was at Kidds house I thought.

"Hey Maka, how's it going?" Tsubaki chirped.

"Not so good." I replied.

"Why what happened? Is it Soul?" Liz asked. I shook my head no.

"It's that I've been eating alot and been throwing up too. And not to mention getting lazy and dizzy." I said. Tsubaki looked at me worriedly.

"Maka, I think you go to the doctor..." Tsubaki said worriedly.

"Will go with you" said Patty and Liz at the sametime. I nodded and headed to the hospital.


We got there a made a little appoint with doctor Jay.

"Maka I think you aren't sick, all I think your...your...," Tsubaki whispered.

"I'm what?" I whispered back.

"Pregnant..." she whispered. What I can't and Soul did have sex..but, but, still... I thought.

"Maka Albarn?" a nursed said. I got up and looked Tsubaki. She put two thumbs up and I walked with the nurse. After awhile, I made it to a white room that had a bed for patients and a chair in the corner. I sat on the patients bed. I turned my body and saw a small container close to my face.

"Miss Albarn, please pee in this bottle to take some tests." the nurse said. I nodded and took the bottle. I went to the bathroom and did my business.

(After nurses did the testing with Maka's pee)

I wait patiently and saw Doctor Jay come in.

"Now Maka do you have a boyfriend or a husband? " Asked Jay.

"Boyfriend...." I replied.

"Have you two" Jay said nervously. I was really embrassing if I said 'yes' so I just nodded.

"I see...well congratulations your pregnant!" He said calmy. I looked at him in shock then looked at my stomach. I didn't know what to feel happy or worried. I sighed.

"What must I do..." I asked seriously.

"Well you must..." He continued explaining what to do and what not to do, also what not to eat and what to eat. I nodded and left the hospital. Tsubaki, Liz and Patty were still waiting. I looked at Tsubaki and she smiled saddly. Patty ran up to me and asked,

"Are you alright?!" She nearly yelled. i nodded.

"I gotta tell you something" I said. She nodded. Liz and Tsubaki finally walked to me.

"What happened?"Liz asked. I sighed.

"Tsubaki was right...I'm pregnant..." Liz, Patty and Tsubaki stared in me in shock. It was an awkward silence. When Tsubaki broke the silence.

" have to tell Soul and" Tsubaki said staring at me worriedly. I nodded.

"*Sigh* But let's still act like good friends like we use too ok." I replied. They all smiled but Liz smiled evily.

"Soooo, that would mean you and Soul had some fun..." she smirked. I blushed hard.

"Haha I knew it!" Scearmed Liz. We laughed.

"Well see ya soon ok!" I yelled as I walked away. Now how will I ever tell Soul....

Uh oh, cliff hanger, hehehehe. Too short, Too long? TELL ME!!! Go to the comments and plz vote and like!!

Naya: So Maka what are you going to tell Soul?

Maka: Uh..oh...I don't know?!

Soul: You don't know what?

Maka: NOTHING AT ALL SOUL HAHAhahahehe....

Naya: Soul you'll have to find out in the next chapter...

Soul: Find out what?

Naya: Untill Next time bye *Waves goodbye*

Soul: Wait tell m-



Naya: Don't tell him bye *Waves goodbye*

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