Chapter 17: Months Passed

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5 Months Later...

Maka Pov

I woke up at least 5 am in the morning to throw up..

4 more months to go...

The doctor said it was going to be a girl, so I pretty damn excited. I couldn't go to school anymore. My stomach grew bigger. Well, not that big. Fine it was big. 

I keep thinking if I'm really have one child. I shrug it off and head to bed.

2 hours later...


The alarm went off. I got up lazily and change in a dress. I couldn't wear pants anymore because it would put pressure on my belly and hurt the child. I went to the kitchen and went to make breakfeast.

I finish making bacon and eggs and head to Souls room. I carefully open the door and enter.

"Soul, wake up." I say walking to his bed side. He didn't bubge. I shake him gently.

"5 more minutes.." He mumbles. I chuckle and walk out of the room. I grab a glass of water and walk back to Souls room. I was now infront of Soul. I smirk and tip the glass.

"Soul, if you don't get up. There are going to be problems~" I say humming. He moves a bit, but thats all. I smirk and fully tip the glass and splashes on Souls face. He shot up and glares at me. I smirk.

"Told ya~" I chime. I give a kiss his wet forhead and hand him a towel. He shuffles his hair in the towel and looks at me.

"Good morning beautiful~" He says standing up. Soul got really tall. I smile.

"Good morning...daddy~" I tease. He smirks and kneels down to my stomach.

"Good morning sunshine!" He says to the child. Soul puts his head on my huge stomach and hears the childs heart beat.

"How many more months?" He asks.

"Four.." I smile. He stands straight and kisses my genlty.

4 months later...

"AHHH!!" I scearm.

"Just one more push!" Doctor Jay yells. I tightly held Souls hand and pushed. The pain was gone and I heard small cries.

"Nurse take her to the day care!" he gives my child to the nurse. I was all covered sweat.

"You did great Maka..." Soul smiles at me. I nod. I sat there breathing heavly, until a sting came in.

"Ahh!!" I scearm.

"Doctor! Something is wrong with Maka!!" Soul scearms. The doctor quickly check what was going on.

"Maka, your having another child! Now push!"

(Time Skip)

"You have twins! But one is a girl and the other is a boy." The doctor said. I smile and he hands the girl to me and the boy to Soul.

"Hi Sky!" I greeted to my daughter. She had my dirty blond hair and my green glowing eyes. Storm had dirty blond hair, too, but had crimeson eyes like Soul.

"Hello Storm..." Soul whisperes to sleeping Storm. I stare at Sky and smile.

"We have a family..."


2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!! God, Im really good ain't I?

Soul: No you aren't

Naya: Well think what you think. Im amazing!!(Laughes evily)

Maka: Man, me and Soul already have children....AND IM FRICKIN 17

Naya: Don't worry. There kids that children at 13 having kids, so why worry?!

Soul: She has a point Maka

Maka: Guess your right Naya

Naya: Yup! Anyways by next week I'll finish the book! I wanted to stop writing this book because it was getting boring, but I didn't want to let my fans down so I ending it. I can already see the ending chapter. Also Im editing this book so look out!

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