Chapter 20: Last Chapter; Many Years Later...Love Will Stay Together Forever

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Maka's  Pov

It has been at least, what? Like, 50 years? My children were already married, the gang has already gone to heaven. Now I lay down on the hospital bed, waiting for death to come. Also Soul layed next to me, waiting for death to come. Our children were sitting by us, crying there eyes out.

" My children, please wait outside, me and your father need to talk," I reason with my children. They all nod and take there leave. I grab Souls hand, while he strokes it with his tumb.

"I can't believe we've been together for 65 years already. And now that we're here, I want to say a few things before we leave," Soul said. I slowly nod.

"Thank you for being my meister.  Thanks you for expecting me. Thanks you for loving me. Thank you for giving me chances when I did mistakes, thank you for being in my life Maka," He whispered. I blush lightly as I try to speak.

"I couldn't agree more," I turn to the ceiling. I started to see a white light shine. I turn to slow and see his eyes closed already. He has already gone. I begin the cry softly. Life is short for everyone, so make the best of it. A voice said. The white light grew as white as snow. I then saw clouds.

I look around and see that I was floating and I look young again. Memories flashed before me. The memories...we're going...backwards...

My life. My story. My friends. My teachers. My family. My whole life went backwards. I then saw my began and then everything went black. I try to yell for help, but no use. My voice couldn't reach anyone.

I cried loudly. I saw light form in front of me. I ran to it and saw what made me cry hard.

I saw myself in the hospital, my children crying as doctors try to bring me back to life. I calm down and stare down at them.

I look around and see Lord Death.

"My dear Maka, do you want to say goodbye to them?" He asked. I nod furiously. He chuckled and blew dust on me.

Next thing you know I was standing there, in the hospital room, seeing Sky cry her eyes out. Slade and Storm trying to hold tears back. I go near Sky and hug her. She stopped crying and looked up at me.

"M-mom?" She shuttered. I nod. Slade and Storm take notice and gasp.

"A-aren't you dead?" Slade asked. I nod again.

"I am here to say goodbye my children. I want you to live beautiful lives with no regrets. I'll be watching you from above. I must leave. I'll see you later, goodbye.." My body glowed as I was returned to Lord Death. I thanked him and walked around the sky, looking for the gate to heaven.

I found it and the gates slowly open. Sun shined in my eyes and I walked in slowly. What I saw, made me cry.

Black Star and Tsubaki were holding hands waving at me. Liz, Patty and Kid were playing around, but then stopped as they saw me. They wave and smile warmly. Tears spill as I see Soul in front of me.

"Maka, let us go and start new," He asked as he held his hand out. I wipe my tears and reach my hand and touch his. Soul pulls me for a hug.

"A new life will start..." He whispered to me.

"Yea..." I let him go and ran ahead of everyone.

"I'm going to beat ya all if you don't move your butts!" I yell jokingly. They cheer and run after me. I laugh as I run away from them.

The past must be forgotten and get ready for what's ahead...


Hey! I'm finally done with the book! I know it's a bad way to end them dying, but there starting a new life in heaven. The reason I wrote this story is because love will finds its way

And the reason I wrote this chapter is because time will pass fast, so make the best of it and forget the past! Get ready for the future!

Read my other books and share aswell. Bye-bye!!!!!

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