Chapter 2: The Truth...

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{Souls Pov}


I was asleep untill I heard a scearm. It was Maka.

"SOUL, IM DYING, COME AND HELP ME!!!!" She yelled.

I shot up. I love Maka and she is my meister. I'll protect her no matter what!

"MAKA IM COMING, HOLD-oh...." I paused as I saw Maka right in front of me.

" Maka don't scare me like that. I was going to-" I paused because I was gonna say ' Kill myself if you died because I love you' but I remember she was my friend not girlfriend. I stared at her and she stared at me.

" Come on Soul, we have school, we have to eat." Maka finally said. I nodded and she left the room I changed and headed to the kitchen. I saw a plate filled with food. I look at Maka who I felt me chicks burn a little. I headed to my plate and ate.


Me and Maka got off the bike and we both saw Tsubaki and Black☆Star. Black☆Star ran up to me and said," I am the all mighty Black Star and I will surpass the God!!!" yelled Black☆Star.

"Oh, Yo Black Star."I replied.

"So any luck for a date?" Black☆Star asked.

"Nah, I haven't find her."

"Or him." He said teasingly.

" Whatever, Mr. Star." I teased as well.

" Hey why not," He leaned closer so he could whisper,"Maka?" I jumped a little.

"No way....I do like her thou..."I said blushing.

" Ask her out, man. Ask her on Wednesday! I'll give 50 bucks if you do." replied Black ☆ Star smirking.

"Fine!" I said unsure.

"And give her a gift, too!" He nearly shouted. Black☆Star maybe an idiot, but he can be sometimes Dr.Love.


After school Maka told if I had a date, i replied 'No.'

Maka made dinner and since she was done first she left the kitchen. How am I going to ask out Maka?! Damn it, why can I just tell her?!?!

Maka came back in the kitchen so I acted natural, watch TV. She was looking around for something them she trip. She fell on my lap and we both stared each other in the eyes. I am going to confess! Maka I love you. I'll tell on Wednesday I promise!!

I leaned forward and kiss her. She didn't pull away. He came closer and closer. We finally pulled away for a breathe. I have to tell her...

{Maka Pov}

I'm so telling Soul that I love him, but when? Oh why not Wednesday, yea that's good. I turned my head west and after a little will I got up and we didn't say anything. I got my bracelet and headed for the front door.

"Soul I'll be on the roof if you need me." Before he could answer I closed the door behind me and got to the roof.

"Alright I'll practice asking Soul out!" I stood there and talked to my imagination Soul. I did it over and over again. I'm missing something.  Oh a gift! Good thing I have money in my pocket. I went down stairs and went to the store. I looked and looked but nothing. Untill I got to the bracelet desk. I wanted a couple bracelet.  I saw the perfect one! It was a heart but I was black and it said 'Soul' in one piece of the heart and the other half it said 'Eater'. Perfect!

(Soul is now a death scthye and he became popular and also Maka did too)

I had in the bag and the bag send 'Wat Popular!' I ran home and Soul had a worries look.

"Oi, Maka what took you so long and what's with the bag?" Soul asked.

"Oh the bag is where I bought a bracelet for me and Tsubaki. Since friends and all." I replied cheerfully. I wanted to be a surprise.

"Oi, Maka busy this Wednesday? "Soul said nervously. Oh my god, does he like me!!

"N-no, why?" I shuttered. Soul grinned.

"I want to go with you somewhere, ok?" I nodded and went to my room. I locked the door and leaned back on the door. I smiled because I'm going to have a date with Soul! I hid the bracelet and took a shower. Tomorrow is Tuesday and I have to practice even more tomorrow. I got out and put on a blue shirt with shoulder sleeves. And I had had black lossy pants. I put my hair in a ponytail.

I went on the roof and the stars were really pretty. I'll practice a little more.

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