Chapter 8: Shopping For The Party

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{Souls Pov}

We were checking out the dresses for the party tomorrow. We looked and looked but not one was good. I sighed.

"I want you to be sexy." I said teasingly. She blushed.

"W-well if you want the other boys to look at me then do that." Maka said defending her self. That was true thou.

"I said I'm picking out the dress. If you want you can pick out my tux" I should have never said that. She smiled.

"Now is my Revenge!" She said laughing. I rolled my eyes and continue to look. No....No....too pink....too wavy....Yes! (Soul was looking at the dresses and found one.)

It was a black dress that was up to your knees. The skirt was smooth but a little rough. The upper body part look beautiful. It had some crystals on the hips and the it had ruffles were the boobs were so it could make them look bigger.

"This one." I grinned. Maka turned to me and looked confused. She walked up and when she saw what I was staring at she gasp.

"It's beautiful." Maka gasp.

"Just like you." I said still grinning.

"Ok, I'll try it on!" She quickly took the dress and went to the dressing room.

About 5 minutes later she came out. She....she...she looked hot! Like roosting hot. It was beautiful and I could tell she liked it, too.

"How does it look Soul?" she smiled.

"It's you." I said still amazed. She giggled.

"I guess I'm taking this one!" She said excited. She ran to the dressing room and changed. She had the dress in her arms.

"Now lets get you a tux!" She said excited.


{Maka Pov}

Soul and I got home with our out fits for the dance tomorrow. I was so excited! We and Soul will dance all evening and night. It will be amazing. I'm so going to give so my present because I haven't given it to him yet. I can't wait to see his face! I got undressed and took a shower.

After the shower I got in my room. I still hadn't had clothes on. I was picking my pj's out Soul had to scare me.

"Don't scare me like that!" I said breathing heavly.

"Sorry Babe. And why you undress? "

"I was going to change untill you nearly scared the towel off of me!" I said angry. Soul grinned.

"That would mean I get to see you naked." He smirked. I just stood there blushing crazily.

"Hello Maka? If you don't get ready for bed, Imma have to change you myself." He said teasingly.

"Out!" I said angrily and got dressed. Today was I long day. Better get some sleep.

Too short, Too long? Tell me in the comments and please live a like and vote.

Naya: Soul is sooooooo making a move on you Maka!

Maka: No he is not....

Soul:I was just playing around....

Naya: Sure you were...Ok untill next on my fan fic!

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