Chapter 16: Jenna's Leave! Finding Someone Else

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Third Persons Pov

"I'm crying...because" Jenna sniffed. Maka backed away confused in what she said.

"W-what!?" Maka said confused. Jenna looked down sadly and took out a pocket knife.

"I'm crying because of...of...YOU!!" Jenna lunged at Maka. Maka dodged her attacks as she came running.

Maka Pov

Jenna took out a pocket life and lunged straight to me. I side step to the left. I couldn't fight back, Im pregnant for crying out loud! She threw her arm back to attack me from behind. I quickly crouch down to dodge. I got up and walked backwards. Her attacks were fast. She thrusted her left arm to punch but I step to the right. I kept dodging until I hit the wall. I was corned. She threw her arms up then back down to stab me. I put my hands over my head and wait for the impact.


I let my arms drop to the side and see Souls arm in sycthe form. He had his sycthe clashed with Jenna's knife.

"S-soul..." Jenna whispered.

"Jenna! What are you doing?! Killing won't solve anything!" Soul shouted at Jenna.

"But-" she was quickly stopped by Soul.

"Jen...understand we can't be together..." Soul said softly.

"But..I want to be happy (hiccup) with you!" Jen broke out in small sobes. She dropped the pocket kinfe and fell to her knees.

"'s for the best us. Someone will love you, like I love Maka.." He turned his arm back to normal and looked at me softly. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"You ok?" He asked turning back to Jenna.

"Yea.." I said staring at crying Jenna.

"Jen..I'll take you to the train station..just pack up your things." Soul said turning and helping me up.

(TIME SKIP) Jenna's Pov

Me and Soul stood there waiting for the train to come. Maka stayed home and cleaned the mess I made.

I just wanted to be happy with Soul...

The train came in with strong wind. It blew my soft white hair by the side. I was wearing a white uniform that looked new. I looked at other people entering the train. I turn to Soul and smile.

"It was fun having you Jen." Soul said holding out his hand. I grab his, but pull him to my face and kiss him. His lips soft and sweet. I pull away and whispere,"Bye...first love..."

I wave him bye and turn to the train.

Death city was quite an advanture wasn'

I enter the train leaving Soul dumb founded. I giggle and wave him goodbye. The train doors started to close.

"I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, EVEN THOU YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!" I shout quickly and the doors closed. Soul smiled and mouthed,"You'll find someone" I smile and wave at him. The train started and it me thinking, I wonder who that someone will be...

( Time Skip)

I walk out of the train and started to walk home. I was thinking about what Soul said to me and I bump into someone.

"Sorry I didn't look where I was.....going..." I looked a tall man and he was quite handsome. He had black raven hair and he had ocean blue pearls.

"Sorry miss, do you know where 104 street and kelsama is?"(I made up the street..ok) He said in a deep sexy voice. I nearly fainted from his charming stare. I snape out of it quickly.

"Yea, I live around that place. Follow me." I smile warmly.

"Thanks.....oh how rude of me! My name is Ash!" She said. Perfect name. He made me ash.

"My is Jenna, nice to meet Ash." I smiled. We walked and talked all the way there. He was 17 and I was 17! We talked and talked. I think I found that someone...


Sorry this took long!! Im busy ok! I wish life was easier...

Soul: Busy with what Naya?

Naya: Im busy helping my parents with money. If don't get money we could lose the house ya know!

Maka: Wait...Soul did we pay the house bill?

Soul: I don't think so...

Maka: Sometimes your useless...

Soul: What you say!?!

Naya: Calm down Soul...Maka..*sweat drop*

Maka: I said Sometimes your useless!!!

Naya: Someone help me!!

Blair: Pumkin Pumkin...halloween cannon!!


Naya:Thanks Blair...anywho see ya next time!! *waves goodbye*

Maka: Naya...Maka...

Naya: Oh sh-


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