Chapter 15: Jenna's Confession

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Jenna Pov

I hated Maka so much!! First of all is that she's Souls girlfriend and seconded of all she is pregnant with his child! I'm so tired of this bull sh*t!!! (Sorry for the langauge)

I got up from bed and walk to the bathroom to clean myself.

(Time Skip)

Maka Pov

I went to the store with Tsubaki and Liz. Patty hated shopping and left with the boys.

"Hey Maka!" Tsubaki said.

"Hmm" I hummed a yes.

"Are you having a boy or a girl?" Tsubaki asked.

"I'm not sure but I'm guessing a girl. But if its a boy, I'm ok with it." I said simply. Tsubaki nodded and continued with her shopping. Im hoping its a girl.

Souls Pov

I was left with my cousin Jen in the house because she hated shopping. I kinda wanted to shop with Maka but I didn't want Jen to feel left out. So I stayed. Jen lives in two days. Well this week isn't going by fast at all! (note to sarcasm)

I shot up when I heard a knock on my bed room door.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened and I saw Jen. She looked shy and worried.

"What's wrong Jen?" I asked. She walked toward me shyly.

"Jen, you can tell me-" but I was cut off by her soft lips. I froze in shock. After a while, she pulled away.

"Jen.." I give her a soft look.

"Soul.. I always loved you and I came here to tell you. I know Maka is your girlfriend and pregnant, but that doesn't stop me. I love you! Give me a chance to prove that to you...please.." Jen begged like a lost puppy.

"Jen.. Im sorry, but I know one day you'll find that one person who loves you and you"ll love him. Jen understand that we can't be together. Jen, when we were younger, I did like you, but I knew it would be wrong. So please understand this. We. Can't. Be. Together." I finished holding her two hands together.

"Im sorry.." I whispered. She ran out of the room crying. I felt a little guilty, but its true. We can't be together no matter what happens. Im sorry Jenna...

Maka Pov

I walked up to my ampartment and walked in. I decided to check on Jenna. I walked to her room and opened the door. I saw her face on a pillow. I heard whimping and sniffs. She was......crying!

I quickly ran to her and asked why was she crying. She turned to me.

"Im..crying because of..."


HAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER!!!  Sorry if this chappy is short. I dont know what to do! I'll try to make more chapters this week. I promise!!! Bye and please live a comment, like and a vote!!!!

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