Chapter 1

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Cassidy's POV

It's been a year since Jackson died, sense me and Matt got together, and sense crazy Kary went to jail, but moving on It brings to much memories for me.. But now after all that me and Matthew have been closer than ever, the guys have been awesome support and helped us a lot, but other than that life has been great.

"Cassey!" Matthew said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Can I help you?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"your drifting off Into space again" he said laughing.

"Well not my fault I got a lot of things on my mind" I told him and next thing I knew his lips were on mine, we sat there kissing for about a couple minutes before he pulled away.

"That help?" he asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorta" I told him.

"That was one of the most grossest things I ever saw" I heard Taylor's voice say and we both looked at the door to see Taylor and Sammy.

"Shut up your just jealous because you guys don't have girlfriends" Matt said and they both rolled their eyes.

"Whatever Espinosa, your just lucky" Sammy said, and I laughed.

"Y'all 3 act like children" I told them shaking my head.

"I don't know if I should be offended by that" Taylor said, and I shook my head.

"So stupid" I said before turning back to the tv.

"That's mean" Taylor said

"Get over it Taylor. So whatcha watchin?" Sammy asked coming over by me and sitting on the couch.

"Teen Wolf" and they all groaned.

"Not this show!" Taylor said.

"Oh shut up, you would like it if you watched it and anyways there's pretty girls in the show" I told them and next thing I knew Taylor was next to Sammy and their eyes were both glued to the screen. "Guys I swear" I mumbled to myself before playing the episode I was currently watching.

-Hours Later-

"Holy shit Lydia is Hot" Sammy said.

"Allison is such a badass can I like marry her?" Taylor said and I sighed.

"Keep dreaming guys because they will never be your real girlfriends" I told them before getting up, and going into the kitchen.

"Matt your girlfriend is a dream crusher" Sammy said.

"And is a meanie head" Taylor said and I laughed.

"She has reason just think about it"he told them, and he actually was right I did have a reason, but before any of them could say anything someone ran threw the door.

"Guys guys come quick!" Serenity said, and I looked at her weirdly. "just comeon!" she said, and we all followed her into Nash's apartment, and when we did Sammy, Taylor and Matt got smack cammed and I started dying in laughter.

"Nice one Serenity" I said while I high fived her.

"Why thank you but we better run before those three come after us" she said.

"I agree" I told her before we both took off running, I hid in a closet, while serenity hid some where else.

"Cassidy?" Taylor said but his voice sounded like it was a creepy movie.

"Tay help me find Serenity!" I heard Sammy yell.

"Aight I'm coming" Taylor said before I heard footsteps and a door close, so I let out a sigh of relief, but when I did the door opened and someone grabbed me and picked me up.

"Let me go!" I said.

"Nope" Matthews voice rang in my ears.

"Your so mean to me" I told him while pouting

"Well you were the one who smacked me with shaving cream" he said

"No that was Serenity's idea" I said to him.

"Mhm sure" he said and I groaned and gave up on reasoning with him while he just carried me to wherever, I was almost asleep when he dropped me on the floor causing me to groan in pain.

"That hurt" I said, looking up at him.

"Sorry didn't mean to" he said.

"It's alright but I'm sleepy I wanna take a nap" I said yawning.

"Really?" he asked sitting next to me

"Well watching teen wolf and than running made me tired so don't judge me" I told him putting my head on his shoulder, and I slowly began to fall asleep.

Matthew's POV

When Cassidy fell asleep I decided to get on my phone and snoop around on twitter but that quickly ended when Cassidy screamed causing me to jump, so I turned to her and hugged her.

"Shh it will be okay" I said calming her down, and I kept hearing her sniffle. "hey hey what's wrong, what happened?" I asked her.

"I had the worst dream ever" she told me.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Kary came back, and tried to kill me so I could be out of your life, so she could be with you but before she tried anything you broke up with me and went back to her" she said crying more and I calmed her down.

"Hey hey I'll make sure nothing happens to you, and I would never leave you, I love you a lot your my world, my life and my other half and anyways I couldn't ask for any one else" I told her and she looked up at me.

"Do you mean it?" she asked and I smiled and nodded my head

"I mean it with all my heart" I told her before leaning down and kissing her, after a bit she pulled away.

"I love you Matt" she said

"Love you to" I told her "now why don't we both try and take a nap" I told her and she nodded her head, and we both got on the couch and cuddled before we both fell asleep.

A/N: First chapter complete!! And I know the first chapter sucks but I promise they will get better threw out the story! And also its almost 2 a clock in the morning so bare with me and also, I kinda wanna give credit to my 2 best friends @Directioner4love and @kantarias_sykes with this, especially @Directioner4love she was the one that gave me the idea to write a sequel so you should go follower her, and Check out her stories😊

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