Chapter 25

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Matthew's POV

It's been weeks and Cassidy still hasn't woken up and everyone isn't doing so well they've been quiet, depressed, and there's been arguments between Serenity and Cameron, and she than would snap at me and I don't blame her, because her best friend is in the hospital, I knew if any of my best friends or the guys were in the hospital I would be the same way...

"Matthew come'on you need to get of this hospital room for a bit" Carter said and I sighed and got up and followed after him. "Matt I understand you miss her and everything because I miss her to but you need to stop locking your self in and out of the world" Carter said and I nodded my head not really wanting to talk to anyone.

"You brought the beast out" Nash said when we were in front of all the guys and i rolled my eyes.

"Ya but he's been quiet" Carter said.

"That's a shocker" Johnson said and I again rolled my eyes and turned around to walk back into the room but Carter grabbed the collar of my shirt and I groaned.

"Your not going anywhere" He said and I huffed. "Matt don't give me attitude because I'll let Taylor smack some sense into you" he said.

"Whatever..." I mumbled lowly, than Cameron walked in looking a mess.

"What's up with you?" Nash asked him.

"Serenity" he plainly said.

"Another argument?" Gilinsky asked and he nodded his head.

"Ya all because I was backing Matt up" he said and I felt bad now because everyone's life is turning bad because of me... I was drawn out of my thoughts by my phone ringing and i took it out and answered it, and when I did I regretted it....

Serenity's POV

While me and Cameron were on our way to the hospital we got into another argument so once we got there I went straight to Cassidy's hospital room and started crying.

"I can't take this anymore" I said in between tears to pretty much nobody. "You promised Cassidy, you promised to never leave me, your always there when I need you and now your not" I said "why couldn't it been someone else, why'd it have to be you, especially when I need you more than ever, me and Cameron keep getting into arguments and I don't think I can do this anymore, your the only one that can fix all this but you cant! Your in a frickin hospital in a coma, and it's all because of Samantha and Matt, and i don't wanna blame Matt but maybe if he didn't do a stupid thing he did maybe you wouldn't be here" i said before shaking my head "I don't even know why i'm saying all this its not like you'll hear me" i said putting my face in my hands "Everything is so fucked up Cassey i wish you could fucking wake up and fix all of it because i'm ready to just give up and die" i said crying more now, until i felt someone hug me, and it scared me so i looked up to see a tearful eyed Cassidy.

"Don't you ever say any shit like that again" she said and i just cried more into her shoulder until we heard a voice.

"This is so sweet but too bad it doesn't last that long" A famailar voice said causing both me and Cassidy to look to see one person that started it all........

Cameron's POV

Me and the guys were just talking until Hayes came running towards us because he wanted to go check on Serenity and Cassidy but he came back with a panicked face and it kinda worried me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"The door is locked and it wasn't locked before and i swear i'm hearing people talk it once of the voices sound like Samantha" He said and my face dropped.

"Shit " i mumbled before finding the nearest doctor while Hayes went to go find the nearst police officer and i told the doctor what might be happening and he rushed towards the room and tried opening before unlocking it and when we did there was Samantha hovering over Serenity trying to slit her throat or something so i quickly grabbed Samantha and got her off of Serenity before the cops could come i felt a sharp pain in my stomach and it hurt like really bad so i looked down to see that i had blood staining my shirt and a knife in the middle of my stomach which caused me to let go of Samantha and thank god the cops came before anything else could happen to anyone and Samantha was handcuffed and i saw Hayes run to Cassidy.

"Uhm Doctor!" He said and i couldn't really move i just sat there in aching pain, until i saw Serenity run towards me.

"Cameron..." her voice crocked.

"I'm alright, just been stabbed but i'm fine" i told her and she hugged me by the shoulders.

"Thank you for saving me" she said and i smiled.

"Why wouldn't i save you even though we had are diffrences i will always love you and will save you" i said and it went silent aftet that until the doctors came to me and took me into a hospital room so i could be checked on stiched up or whatever was going to happen and Serenity followed after the doctors but i wasn't really paying attention to that i was more worried about what happened to Cassidy again, because like i've said before she's like my sister and if anything happens to her i will probably die, and just knowing that SOMETHING else has happened to her makes me want to be there for her just like Serenity is but because of what happened to me i can't but i'm thankful that Samantha has been finally caught for now..........


I FINALLY UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!! Welp again sorry i havent been updating i had my moms wedding saturday, and than homework sunday because i missed friday so busy busy busy is what's been on my plate these couple weeks but anyways i'll TRY updating more after the busyness has calmed down so don't worry!

Anyways what did you think of the chapter was it good? Okay? or Bad? just curios (Oh ya i know a lot of things happen to Cassidy but like it's kinda based on every girl wanting her gone so they could have Matthew to themselves and blah blah blah but ya just making that clear)

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