Chapter 22

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Cassidy's POV

"How did you get in my apartment?" I asked her making sure there was distance between us.

"Easily" she said, with a shrug.

"What do you want Samantha, seriously" I asked her tired of all this.

"I want what I always wanted the day I meet you in high school and that is to get rid of you for good" she said, and once she said that I literally tried running out the door, but I was pulled back by my hair which hurt like hell, but before I could do anything about it I was punched and knocked to the ground, and my vision went blurry but it got worse every time she hit me, and I tried pushing her off me, and at one point I was able to push her off me but let's say she had me back again on the ground, and the beating continued until she grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to who knows where, but I realized that she took me outside to the balcony, and I grabbed the bars, and let's just say dangling off of like balcony is not fun, especially when you don't have enough strength to hold yourself up. "Instead of just pushing you off I'm gonna let you dangle because I know sooner or later your not going to have the strength to keep yourself up" She said before walking out of the apartment leaving me here.

I was dangling for what felt like hours and I started to feel myself get weaker and really tired, but I saw Carmel come out from her hiding and she gave over to me whining and nuzzling my face.

"Carmel go get Cameron" I said quietly, but she wouldn't move, and kept whining. "Carmel go!" I said strictly and that's when she decided to go and get him..

Cameron's POV

Me and Nash, and Serenity where walking in the hallway to our apartment, but before we got there I saw something, but I just shrugged it off until I felt something nudge my hand and I was confused so I looked down to see Carmel.

"What are you doing out Carmel?" I asked getting on my knees and petting her but she started whining, before she ran off to the direction to Cassey's apartment, and me, Nash, and Serenity looked at each other before following Carmel, and when we did Cassidy's door was opened which was weird so we walked in to see Carmel by the balcony, whining and Serenity ran over there, and next thing I knew Serenity gasped and backed up.

"Cameron get over here now!" she yelled and I ran over to her, and when I did I saw Cassidy.

"What the hell!" I said and I saw Cassidy's eyes were closing and she was slipping but I grabbed her hand and pulled her up and took her inside and sat on the ground. "Nash go call the ambulance!" I yelled at him while I cradled Cassidy.

"Cassey stay awake" Serenity said and Cassidy shook her head to wake her self up but it wasn't working.

"Come'on Cassey just hang in there" I said to her but I saw her eyes close, and that's when panic kicked in.

"Nash!!" Serenity yelled.

"Their on their way!!" he said coming back in.

"Samantha" Cassidy said.

"What about her?" I asked but I didn't get a response, so I kinda shook her and she felt lifeless, and that's when I panicked, and when the ambulance came they put her on one of those things and rushed her out of there, with Serenity going with them, so me and Nash quickly went to where the guys were.

"Hey guys what's up?" Johnson asked, and everyone looked at me and Nash, with smiles but their faces dropped when they saw our scared/panicked facial expressions.

"We need to go now, Cassidy is being taken to the hospital" I said and their faces turned into pretty much mine and Nash's.

"What happened?" Carter asked.

"I think something with Samantha, but let's go!" Nash said before me and him ran out of the apartment to a cab and to the hospital to be with Serenity and Cassidy, and truthfully Cassidy is like my sister, I care about her a lot and just the thought of someone hurting her breaks my heart and it makes me mad, like she's been threw a lot in her life, like her loosing Jackson, her and Matt breaking up, and her loosing the other baby, it's like she can never have a simple life without someone coming in it and ruining it, and just I wish I could do something about it for her but I can't, there's not a lot of things we can do about this, so when we got to the hospital we waited and waited and waited which was hours until the doctor came to the waiting room and told us, what's wrong, and once he did my heart dropped.....


I'm so so so so so so sorry i havent updated!! I was busy with school, and just i didn't know what to write and just i've been so busy and everything, but i did update!! Even though it's a really sucky chapter but i updated! And i will try and update more often but idk if i can because i'm in like K level classes and just i'll be busy especially when i join FFA but ya you probably have no idea what i'm talking about so i'll just stop and let you guys carry on with your wonderfull lives and not listen to my horrible life....


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