Chapter 16

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Cassidy's POV

When I did see who is was my jaw dropped and I than I kinda got upset, and wanted to kill whoever let her inside.

"Who let her in here" I said annoyed already at the person standing right in front of me.

"Nice to see you to Cassidy" she said rolling her eyes.

"Nice to see you to, actually truthfully I don't wanna see you" I said back

"Why are you being so mean maybe I just wanna talk" she said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Cut the crap Brittany what do you really want" I asked her.

"Look I know we didn't have a good past, and that you hate me sister, just please hear me out" she said giving me pleading eyes, and I sighed in annoyance.

"Alright you got 15 minutes so start talking" I told her motioning to the table and I sat in on one of the chairs with Serenity next to me and Brittany in front of us.

"Thank you, but I'm worried for you guys, My sister has been coming up with this huge plan to get Cassidy dead and-" she started saying.

"We know she's trying to kill Cassidy just cut to the actual stuff" Serenity said and Brittany groaned in frustration.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you! My sister isn't just coming after Cassey she's coming after you Serenity and anyone else that comes in her way, she won't hurt Matt but anyone else she will, and she's planning on killing anyone that gets between her and Matt" she said and my eyes went wide and Serenity got mad "you didn't hear it from me because if Kary finds out I'm helping you guys she's going to kill me or worse get Samantha to kill me unless you know what never mind" she said rambling on.

"Alright Brittany thanks but you need to go now" I said getting up and pushing her out the door.

"SHES TRYING TO KILL ME!!" Serenity yelled and I sighed, walking back into the kitchen to see Serenity freaking out.

"Serenity" I said calmly and she was still freaking out "SERENITY!!" I yelled which causing her to look at me. "calm down and go eat some Girl Scout Cookies or something" I told her.

"Don't tell me to calm down when someone wants me dead!" she said to me.

"Uhm I'm probably on everyone's kill list that had a huge crush on Matt so don't yell at me that people want to kill you because remember i did loose Jackson because of all of this" I said back to before walking off and when i did i ended up into someone eyes and started crying, and I didn't care who it was because I was just upset.

"Hey it's okay" Cameron's voice rang in my ears while he rubbed my back.

"W-why does e-everything bad h-have to h-happen to m-me" I said in between sobs.

"Not everything, you still have us, Matthew here" he said, and I nodded my head because what he said was true, I did have all of them and everything, but next thing I knew this little hug turned into a huge group hug.

"Thanks guys" I said wiping my eyes and giving them a small smile.

"No problem Cassey were always here for you" Johnson said ruffling my hair and I playfully glared at him and than laughed.

"Yeah I know y'all are" I said to them.

"So whatcha wanna do?" Cameron asked and I thought for a moment.

"How about go get some Ice Cream?" I asked them.

"Let's go!" Hayes yelled causing us to laugh before we all left the house and headed to the cars, and all got in one which was pretty big it was like i don't know it's hard to explain before we all drove off to the Ice cream shop, and once we got there we all got out and went and ordered what we want before paid and went and sat down.

"Hey Cassey I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" Serenity said and i gave her a smile.

"It's alright, I promise" I told her and she smiled and nodded her head before going back and talking, and I just there thinking, because something didn't feel right so I looked around to see if everyone was here but there was one person missing and I kinda got scared a little, so I tapped on Carter's shoulder, and he turned to me.

"Hey are you okay?, you look like your about to freak" he said, and I shook my head no.

"Have you seen Matt?" I asked him, and he looked confused and looked around and than back at me.

"No I haven't" he said and I sighed but nodded my head before turning to Cameron.

"Cam have you seen Matt?" I asked him and he looked confused.

"No I thought he came with us" Cameron said.

"Well he's not I looked over everyone to see if I could find him but he's not here" I said running my hand threw my hair.

"Hey don't worry we will find him" Cameron reassured me, and I gave him a small smile before I hugged him.

"Thanks Cam" I said, and he hugged me back.

"No problem, now eat your ice cream before one of these boys eat it" he said and I laughed and pulled away from the hug and ate my ice cream, but I was still really worried about Matthew, I hope he's okay...


A/N: Dun Dun Dun!! Lol so Where do guys think Matthew went to??

Also What do you guys think of the new cover? Well that's all I have to say/ask! Till next time My Friends ✌️

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