Chapter 17

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Matthew's POV

I honestly didn't know what i was getting myself into i thought i would do this to protect the people i care about, but now i'm thinking that this is a very bad idea.

"Why are you doing this Matt?" Brittany asked and i sighed.

"Because to protect the people i care about" I said running a hand threw my hair.

"Matt, she won't change her mind, she will try and get rid of them" She said and i shook my head.

"I should at least give it a try" i said, and she sighed.

"Alright but be careful" she said before opening the door, and i took a deep breath in and walked inside.

"Well well if it isn't Matthew" Samantha's voice rang in my ears, and i breathed in before speaking.

"Ya it's me" I said

"So whatcha doing here?" She asked curiously.

"Look i'll date you and whatever but under one circumstance" I said to her, and this made her face lighten up in intrest.

"And that is?" She asked.

"That is if you leave Cassidy and Serenity alone" I said, and she thought for a moment.

"Alright i'll leave them alone" She said, and next thing i knew she kissed me, and let me tell you it was disgusting, but i had to kiss her back for Cassidy's and Serenity's sake, but after that lets just say things happened that i'm seriously regretting, and i would get killed for if anyone found out..

Cassidy's POV

After getting Ice Cream, we decided to go to the mall, because nobody wanted to go back to the apartments, and everything but i still haven't heard from Matt, actually nobody really has, and i was seriously worried, everyone was telling me not to worry about him and blah blah but come'on if people wanted to kill you for your boyfriend wouldn't you be worried? but anyways right now we were still at the mall. Taylor and Dillon are yelling Cock about a hundered times, while the others were vining, and me i was just falling behind thinking to myself, not really wanting to talk to anyone.

"Cassey, you okay?" Cameron asked coming next to me, and i shrugged.

"Do you ever get that feeling that something doesn't seem right?" I asked him truthfully.

"Ya most of the time, why?" He asked and i shrugged again before sighing.

"Because that's how i feel now" i said looking down at the ground.

"Hey if your worrying about Matt, don't worry about him, okay" He said and i nodded my head.

"I know but still something doesn't seem right" I said running a hand threw my hand, but before any of us could say anything someone yelled in my ear.

"Cock!" Taylor's voice rang in my ears, and i flinched a little and turned to him, and glared, and he gave me an innocent smile.

"Really Taylor?" Cameron asked him.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"Not now Taylor, she doesn't feel good" Cameron said.

"Aw what's wrong" Sammy came up next us, and than everyone did and i groaned in frustration, and walked off, i wasn't in the mood to be bugged, i didn't feel good, and my head hurt and just ya i wasn't in the mood, so i walked away, and truthfully i didn't know where i was going, but when i was my phone rang, and i took out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked

"Cassey where are you?" Carter's voice rang in my ears.

"I wanna be alone" I said to him.

"Pleaseee Ari!" Hayes' voice rang in my ears and I sighed.

"Fine I'll tell you but only Hayes comes" I said and everyone groaned except Hayes he was laughing at everyone.

"Alright fine" Cameron said.

"Okay, I'm by American Eagle" I said before hanging up, and waited for Hayes, after what felt like hours Hayes appeared.

"Heller" he said and I laughed a little, before we started walking.

"Hey" I said to him.

"Okay what's bothering you?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know I just don't feel good, and just I don't know" I said truthfully.

"Oh, but there's something else wrong, I can tell" he said and I sighed in defeat.

"Ya your right, just all this is bothering me, and than Matt going to who knows where, and than like I lost the baby and i just feel down, stressed, depressed, and everything" I told him, and he hugged me.

"Cassidy you need to calm down" Hayes said and i laughed.

"Ya i know i do but just i can't, so can we go get the others, i really wanna go home" I said and he nodded his head before we walked back to the others, and told them that i wanted to leave so we all left, and i decided to stay at Mahogany's and Serenity's because if Matt did come back i didn't wanna talk to him at this point because one minute i forgive him, and next minute he does stuff like that, and it hurts me alot, so when i walked in i picked up the little puppy, and went into the guest room, and shut the door, and putting the puppy on the bed before going and laying down while the puppy just snuggled next to me, and i sighed, but before i could fall asleep my phone rang, and i picked it up to see that it was Matt, but i put my phone on silent and put it down before i turned over and  went to sleep..


A/N: 2 updations in one day! Lol i kinda owed everyone a little apologie for not updating for awhile so i updated 2wice! Welp that's pretty much it Now bye! 

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